ORINOCO WavePOINT-II - Getting Started
Installing the WavePOINT-II AP - Hardware Installation
If you do not feel or hear a click, carefully maneuver the connector
until it clicks into position.
Mount or place the Range Extender Antenna into a vertical position
to ensure optimal performance Figure 2-5 on page 2-11.
If you are installing the WavePOINT-II AP with two ORiNOCO PC Card,
mount the external antenna(s) away from one another as far as possible
to allow maximum performance.
Figure 2-5
Connecting the Range Extender Antenna
3. (Optional) Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet interface:
10Base-T (RJ 45 Connector) or
10Base2 (BNC Connectors, T- Connector provided)