MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
System Programming
Issue 1
April 1999
Prior Releases: Features and Enhancements
Release 3.0 Enhancements (August 1994)
User Features
The Remote Access feature allows people at remote locations to enter the system
by dialing the number of a line or trunk designated for remote access. The system
can be programmed to require the remote user to dial a barrier code (a type of
password) after reaching the system. In earlier versions, the systemwide barrier
code length is fixed at four digits. Release 3.0 allows a systemwide barrier code
length ranging from a minimum of four digits to a maximum of 11 digits, with a
factory setting of seven digits. SMDR records are enhanced to provide information
for remote access calls. If the remote access call is received on a facility providing
Caller ID information (see below), the SMDR report can help trace the call.
Caller ID
Caller information (telephone number) is furnished to MLX display telephones by
an 800 GS/LS-ID module using the LS (loop-start) option. This allows customers
to screen calls before answering the telephone, as well as providing calling party
information for use with various applications. This function is available only when
the customer subscribes to caller identification service from the telephone
company, if the telephone company supports that service.
Shared System Access (SSA)
A telephone may have up to 27 Shared SA buttons to expand extension
Authorization Codes
The Authorization Code feature allows you to make calls using your calling
privileges when you are dialing from an extension other than your own. When you
enter your authorization code (ranging from 2 to 11 characters and unique across
the system), the privileges and restrictions assigned to your home extension
override the current restrictions at the host extension. This includes toll restriction,
outward restriction, Facility Restriction Level (FRL), Allowed Lists, Disallowed
Lists, Night Service Exclusion List, and Dial Access to Pools. All other functions
on the telephone are those of the local telephone, not the home extension.
Authorization codes can also be used for the purpose of call accounting through
the SMDR printout. The SMDR account code field can hold either the
authorization code extension number or the authorization code itself.