Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS/GPS Battery Plant J85500G-2
2 - 8 Product Description
Issue 6 May 1999
Galaxy Controller
Basic Controller:
The basic controller provides the basic local control and
monitoring functions for the battery plant. User access is by
front-panel controls and display. It provides key battery plant
alarms, high voltage shutdown, and plant voltage and current
monitoring. The front panel includes an eight line, 40 character
display, LEDs, switches and jacks.
Galaxy’s basic controller section includes up to three rectifier
interface boards, each handling signals from as many as eight
rectifiers. Separate rectifier interface boards are needed to work
with Lucent Technologies ferroresonant or switch mode
rectifiers, or rectifiers manufactured by others.
Intelligent controller:
The intelligent controller adds many intelligent control and
monitoring features:
Plant features, including plant alarms and histories, load
statistics, auto boost
Rectifier features, including sequencing, energy efficiency
algorithm, remote rectifier on/standby, rectifier event histories
Battery prediction, an option that predicts reserve time for
batteries made by Lucent Technologies
Data Switch, an optional interface with RS-232 devices such as
Lucent Technologies' XCS, ECS, RAS, and OMNIpulse units.
Data Switch permits a single phone line to access four separate
units in addition to the Galaxy Controller.
System features, including password security, dial-out on
alarm, back up and restoration of configuration, serial system
upgrade. Three password security levels are provided: User,
with read-only privileges; Super-User, read/write privileges
except for passwords, and Administrator, read/write including
password setting and software updates. The system also
provides a warning if passwords have been left at their factory
default settings.
Local and remote user access to intelligent features, including
the enhanced front panel display, giving access to some of the
intelligent features; dial-up by modem and an RS-232 local port