Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS/GPS Battery Plant J85500G-2
1 - 2 Introduction
Issue 6 May 1999
requires only front access to the plant. The Galaxy controller
requires both front and rear access.
The ECS battery plant is compatible with virtually all flooded
and valve-regulated batteries which float within the range of 47
through 58.5 volts. In addition, the ECS plant is capable of
operating in a batteryless mode, making it suitable for those
applications where battery backup is not necessary or is
achieved through the use of an uninterrupted power supply
This document (Lucent Technologies 167-790-035) is part of a
set of product manuals which provide information on the
2000 Evolutionary Control System (ECS) Battery
Plant and its components. Each manual contains a technical
description of the product, which is followed by detailed
information on engineering, installation, operation and
maintenance. The contents of the documentation package are
identified for ordering and reference purposes in Section 3 of
this manual.
Lucent Technologies offers customer training on many power
products. For information call 1-972-284-2163. This number is
answered from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Central Time Zone
(Zone 6), Monday through Friday.
For customers in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the
US Virgin Islands, call 1-800-THE-1PWR (1-800-843-1797).
Services provided through this contact include initiating the
spare parts procurement process for out of service emergencies,
ordering Lucent Technologies documents, and providing other
product and service information.
For other customers worldwide, call 001-972-840-0382. This
number is answered from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Central Time
Zone (Zone 6), Monday through Friday.
Technical support for Lucent Technologies customers is
available around the world during the normal product warranty
period and also while specific contractual agreements extend
this service.