Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS/GPS Battery Plant J85500G-2
Issue 6 May 1999
Introduction 1 - 1
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The ECS Battery Plant, J85500G-2, is shown in Figure 1-1a.
This member of the ECS family of battery plants operates from
a nominal 208/240 volt ac, 50/60 Hz source. It offers a
600-ampere total plant capacity with a nominal 48 volt dc output
in a totally integrated energy system.
The basic plant consists of charge and discharge bus bars with
optional low voltage disconnect, provision for breaker and fuse
panels, an ECS or Galaxy controller and space for four rectifier
shelf assemblies which can connect up to twelve -48-volt,
50-ampere switch mode rectifiers.
The plant’s modular design facilitates installation and growth.
Growth in plant output current capacity is achieved by adding
2000 50-ampere, 48-volt rectifiers to rectifier shelf
assemblies. Two optional circuit packs are available for the basic
ECS controller, one to add microprocessor-based features and
the second to add a datalogger. A host of optional circuit packs
are available for the Galaxy controller. The ECS controller