CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Percent (%) Within
Service Level
The percentage of calls that you are expecting or targeting to be
answered by an agent within a specific number of seconds.
Phantom Abandon Call
A CMS capability that tracks information about abandoned calls. When
the capability is enabled, calls with a duration shorter than the
administered value (zero to ten seconds) are counted as phantom
abandon calls. Setting the timer to zero disables it.
Predicted Wait Time
An estimation of the time a call will wait for service in a call queue if the
currently available agent does not answer the call.
Previous Interval
Represents one intrahour interval and is part of the real-time database.
At the end of each intrahour interval, the contents of the current intrahour
interval are copied to the previous intrahour interval portion of the real-
time database.
Primary Skill
Skills assigned to an agent. Primary skills are the areas in which the
agent has the most expertise.
See also
Agent Skill.
A holding area for calls waiting to be answered in the order in which they
were received. Calls in a queue may have different priority levels, in
which case, calls with a higher priority are answered first.
A trunk state. An ACD call has seized the trunk and is queued to a
split/skill waiting for an agent to answer.
Read Permission
The CMS user can access and view data (for example, run reports or
view the Dictionary subsystem). Read permission is granted from the
User Permissions subsystem.
Real-Time Database
Consists of the current and previous intrahour data on each CMS-
measured agent, split, trunk, trunk group, vector, and Vector Directory
Number (VDN).
Real-Time Reports
Display current ACD call activity on agents, splits/skills, trunks, trunk
groups, vectors, and VDNs for the current or previous intrahour interval.
Current intrahour interval real-time reports are constantly updated as
data changes during the interval. Previous intrahour interval real-time
reports show data totals for activity that occurred in the previous intrahour
Redirect On No Answer
An ACD capability that assists the user if a call is not answered in a
specified number of rings (preset by the call center Manager). The
terminal extension, including ports with VRUs, is busied out and the call
goes back into the queue at top priority.