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LC216_DBL_LST_EN_0806.PDF • PAGE 3
Building Safety. Building Security.
The extinguishing control function is fully integrated into
the Fire Detection Control Panel Series BC216. The Ex-
tinguishing Control Panel Series LC216 comprises the
following additional features:
• The Extinguishing Control Panel LC216-1 serves for
the actuation of an extinguishing system with up to
8 fl ooding zones. By means of the networked Extin-
guishing Control Panel LCnet216, up to 127 extingu-
ishing systems can be actuated. Each extinguishing
system can control up to 32 fl ooding zones, each
LCnet sectional control panel can administrate up to
8 fl ooding zones. A maximum of 127 fl ooding zones
can be controlled by an Extinguishing Control Panel
• All zones with automatic fi re detectors or manual call
points can be used for the actuation of the extinguis-
hing system. The respective detectors and detector
zones are assigned to the individual fl ooding zones
by defi ning combinations and dependencies.
• Input signals for the actuation of the extinguishing
system can be received through zone inputs in con-
ventional or ADM technology, as well as via fi re briga-
de interface inputs.
The ADM technology allows to connect detectors,
signalling devices as well as monitor and control mo-
dules in intelligent analogue ring bus technology. A
safe supply of the loop elements is achieved through
the redundant cable path. Therefore, standard fi re
detection cable can be used for wiring.
• Various zone and input types, such as „Emergency
hold device“, „Manual mode“, „Extinguishing medium
active“ or „Reset extinguishing system“ provide spe-
cifi c functions for the actuation of the extinguishing
• For the actuation of valves or signalling equipment,
various types of actuation are available, which can
be assigned to any outputs of the control panel or
to an ADM control module. The activation of these
actuations is timed according to EN 12094-1.
• The condition of fl ooding zones or extinguishing sys-
tems can be output by the status outputs of the con-
trol panel or via ADM modules. Furthermore, status
LEDs can be freely parameterised as optical conditi-
on display.
• Depending on the size of the fl ooding zone and the
capacity of the extinguishing agent cylinders, for
each fl ooding zone the actuation of further fl ooding
zones can be unblocked or blocked.
• In the appropriate authorisation level, a fl ooding zone
can be operated at the display and operating unit of
the fi re detection control panel. In addition to disab-
lements, enablements and toggling between manual
and automatic mode, it is also possible to test the
signalling equipment for pre-alarm and evacuation
• The Extinguishing Control Panel Series LC216 can
be comfortably parameterised via PC by using the
Windows Parameter Setup Software PARSOFT. The
clear user interface allows an almost self-explanato-
ry defi nition of the system confi guration and thereby
minimizes the requirement for training. The entered
parameters can be loaded into the control panel after
an automatic verifi cation for technical correctness.
In addition to all compulsory functions of EN 12094-1,
the extinguishing control panel fulfi ls the following opti-
ons of this standard:
• Delay of extinguishing signal
• Signal representing the fl ow of extinguishing agent
• Monitoring of the status of components
• Emergency hold device
• Control of fl ooding time
• Initiation of secondary fl ooding
• Manual only mode
• Triggering signals to equipment within the system
• Extinguishing signals to spare cylinders
• Triggering of equipment outside the system
• Emergency abort device
• Control of extended discharge
• Release of the extinguishing media for selected fl oo-
ding zones
Advanced features
Redundant design
The Extinguishing Control Panel Series LC216 can be
optionally implemented with a hardware-redundant de-
sign. A redundant design is required according to the
standard EN 12094-1 for fi xed gas extinguishing sys-
tems, if one sectional control panel actuates more than
one extinguishing area.
A redundant design of the extinguishing control panel
can be implemented by means of the fi re detection
control panel modules in 19“ slide-in technology. The
parameterisation of the redundant extinguishing control
panel is fully supported by the Parameter Setup Softwa-