As the TEST MODE is a part necessary for various certifications, its use is prohibited
except a corresponding engineer. The way of using is that you select a necessary
menu and click the [Set] button.
No Modulation ON/OFF: The frequency should use only FIX and the
transmission of the output un-modulated with the frequency designated at 3.1
is ON/OFF.
Modulation ON/OFF: Data are transmitted, namely, modulated output is
transmitted. All of FIX and FHSS are possible.
Fix Modulation ON/OFF: The continuously modulated output is transmitted.
Only FIX is possible.
User can modify power value but it should not be high value.
User can not modify test mode without any permission from authorized lab.
Reading/Writing of Tag Memory
This is a window that can read and write for memory of a single piece of tag.
Fig. 6. Window of Tag Reading/Writing
Tag Reading
In case of EPC Gen2 Tag, there exist 4 kinds of Banks. Select the Bank that
you want to read at Bank.
Input a memory starting position (Start: Byte unit) of the corresponding you
want to read and the size to be desired from a starting position to the window.
Click the [Read] button.
The [Reading] status is displayed like the below picture and the [Read] button
is displayed as [Stop]. If you want to stop, click the [Stop] button.
The status is continuously maintained until reading is successful or reading is
stopped by clicking the [Stop] button by a user.
If it is complete, data read at [Tag Memory] is displayed (hexadecimal number),
and the Status displays [Reading OK].
Memory Bank
Position to start
reading or writing
Size to be read
or written
Data to be read
Data to be