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Quick Start
In this section, the initiation of the evaluation board and sample RF tests will be
discussed. You will learn how to:
Install TiWi Controller Tool.
Run the TiWi Controller Tool.
Set proper path to test firmware: Fw1273r1c_sta_cortex.bin.
Set proper path to radio parameter file: ini_file.ini.
Connect to the TiWi LSEVK-WI-01-A20 Evaluation board.
Download test firmware to the TiWi Module via the LSEVK-WI-01-A20 Evaluation board.
Configure and Run WLAN Transmitter Tests.
Configure and Run WLAN Receiver Tests.
Place device in listen mode and Extremely Low Power Mode (ELP).
2.1 Software
Prior to connecting any hardware to your PC, download and install the latest version
(current download: TIWI Controller 3-22-10.zip) of the TIWI Controller Software. The
installation procedure is as follows:
1. Copy TIWI Controller 3-22-10.zip to a convenient directory and extract the file:
2. Run TIWI Controller.msi, the following installation screens should begin: