Use after-run oil to keep everything lubr cated after you have finished your day. After-run oil helps for an easy start
the next time and protects your internals against rust. Use only "after-run oil" specially formulated for R/C engines. Do
not use sil cone shock oil or similar as they will seriously harm your engine.
First let the tank run completely empty at dle until it runs out of fuel (try re-starting t several times), next put a few
drops down the open carburetor and a few drops down the glow plug hole. Pull the pullstarters chord 5-times and you
are done.
Treat your engine w th care and check t frequently. This engine will rev up to 30'000 RPM and any fault at such high
RPM can cause ser ous damage. All moving parts inside the engine are subject to wear, you must know if a
piston/liner/conrod has worn out and if they need to be replaced. If you replace one part, please check if everything
else is still in good shape at the same time. If you only change one part and other parts are in bad shape, there’s the
possibility that there will be a new failure soon!
Some important matters:
Clean the outs de of the engine properly before you open it. Any dust or dirt which gets into the engine could
make considerable damage.
Check the conrod frequently. If you want to replace the conrod, be sure the big end of your crankshaft is still
round and at a good size. If not, also replace the crankshaft.
When you start putting your engine back together, make sure that each part is totally clean before installat on and
please use some oil (after-run is su ted well) to lubricate everything.
Be careful that each part has its correct direction, especially piston/liner/conrod. Both the lower part of the piston
and the lubr cation hole in the conrod should be facing to the front (direct on to the carburetor).
Before you install the combust on chamber, please doublecheck that you installed all head shims.
Use a hex wrench to install the screws. When you start to feel resistance, stop turning the screw. Repeat this for
each screw, use the star-technique to tighten all the screws completely. Do not overtighten them!
Glow plug defective
replace glow plug
Glow plug does not work properly
check the condition of the glow plug
check the glow plug igniter
Engine is set too rich
(too much fuel hits back)
check carburetor settings, repeat tuning procedure
unscrew the glow plug completely and use startbox for 5sec
Engine is too lean
(too little fuel, does not start)
check carburetor setting, repeat tuning procedure
Engine does not start
Engine doesn’t suck in the fuel
check the fuel line for possible damage
check the carburetor setting
Glow plug defective
replace glow plug
Bad fuel
replace fuel by fresh and correct type of fuel
Bad carburetor setting
check the carburetor setting repeat tuning procedure
Dirt in fuel line or carburetor
clean fuel line, clean & check carburetor
Fuel line damaged
replace fuel line
Loose glow plug or cooling head
tighten glow plug and/or cooling head
Air filter old or dirty
clean or replace air filter
Engine stops after a short time
after glow plug igniter has
been disconnected
Engine is set too lean
check the carburetor setting, repeat tuning procedure
Glow plug defective or wrong type
replace the glow plug by a correct type
Engine runs too hot
run-in process is not completed
Performance decreases after
reaching operating
temperature or engine stalls
from time to time
Shims under comb. chamber wrong
check number of shims
Bad carburetor setting
open mid-range needle ¼ turn at a time and re-adjust idle-speed
set idle speed lower
Glow plug, wrong type (too hot)
use glow plug with higher number (e.g. go from 6 to 7)
Engine’s still keeps running at
high RPM for a moment when
you release the throttle
Shims under comb. chamber wrong
check number of shims
Please always check www.lrp-electronic.de for guidance if you are experiencing problems!
Summary of Contents for Z.18S Pro Pullstart
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