L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
: This item shows, if the selected router is online or offline.
4.6.3 CEA-852 Device Settings
To change the CEA-852 client settings and register with a configuration server navigate to
the IP address item on the main menu next to
and press the button as shown in Figure
Figure 22: Setting the CS address on the LCD UI.
This opens the
CEA-709 over IP
menu with the following settings:
Config Server IP
: Enter the IP address of the configuration server into the four
separate input fields.
Config Server Port
: Enter the configuration server port. The default 1629 can be left
unchanged in most cases.
Config Client Port
: Enter the configuration client port. The default 1628 can be left
unchanged in most cases.
: The default is off. Turn this on, if MD5 authentication shall be used on the
channel for security purposes.
: If MD5 is turned on enter the MD5 secret key into the 16 input fields.
The title page also shows the CEA-852 client state as a symbol next to the CS address. It
can be normal ( ), waiting for the configuration server ( ), or not registered ( ). If MD5 is
enabled on this device a lock icon is shown.
4.7 Wiring
4.7.1 L-IP
Every network segment connected to the L-IP needs to be terminated according to the rules
found in the specification of the transceiver (see Chapter 11).
All used and unused ports must be properly terminated. LOYTEC recommends the use of
the LOYTEC L-Term series network terminators (LT-13 or LT-33 respectively). For
unused ports, it is recommended to use a 100 Ohm 0.25 W resistor between terminals A
and B as termination.
When using shielded network cables, only one side of the cable should be connected to
earth ground. Thus, the shield must be connected to earth ground either at the L-IP
terminals or somewhere else in the network (see Figure 23)!