L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Figure 54: E-mail Configuration Page.
4.2.16 Data Points
The device‘s Web interface provides a data point page, which lists all configured data
points on the device. An example is shown in Figure 55. The data point page contains a tree
view. Clicking on a particular tree item fills the right part of the page with a data point list
of that tree level and all levels below. Thus, one can get an easy overview of all data points.
The data point list displays the data point name, direction, type, current value, and data
point state. Inactive points are displayed in gray. If the data point list does not fit on one
page, there are page enumerator links at the bottom. Important data point states and their
implications are listed in Table 9.
Figure 55: Data point page.