L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Checksum errors: number of communication errors (wrong checksum)
11.3.4 Modbus Protocol Analyzer
By activating the link Protocol Analyzer (available in all Modbus statistics tabs), the
protocol analyzer page is shown as displayed in Figure 185.
Figure 185 Modbus protocol analyzer.
Next to the button the status of the protocol analyzer is shown. If the analyzer is started, an
automatic refresh is performed every 60 seconds. By pressing the button
Start Protocol
Stop Protocol Analyzer
the protocol analyzer can be started / stopped.
For every frame sent or received a line is presented using comma separated values.
11.4 Configurator
This section describes how to use the Configurator software for the management of Modbus
data points. For further information on the Configurator software refer to Chapter 6.
11.4.1 Activating Modbus Configuration
Before a new Modbus configuration can be managed, the Modbus option must be enabled
for the appropriate port. The project settings are described in detail in Section 6.3.
To Activate the Modbus Configuration
Open the project settings dialog.