Summary of Contents for X-5 Operation


Page 2: ...NOTES 45 PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...

Page 3: ...SCC Speed Log Feet Fathoms Meters Pulse Preset Display Memory Command Key MENUS FASTRAJc Grayline Checkerboard Lines Speaker Volume ClearDistance Log Narrow WideAutoRange Window Digital Averaging Battery Backup Scale On Off Calibrate Speed Test Pattern Keel Offset Total System Reset Transducers andConeAngles Signal Interpretation Fish Signals Surveying aLake BaitFish HowtoObtain Service HowtoObtai...

Page 4: ...nelswithsheet metalscrews However wesuggestplacing a piece of plywood on the back of thin fiberglass panels to secure the mounting hardware Make certainthereisenough roombehindtheunitto attach the power andtransducer cables A one inch holein the base of thegimbal bracket allows the power andtransducer cablestoberoutedupthroughthemountingsurface After the cables have been routed the hole can befill...

Page 5: ...he cable is not long enough spliceordinary 18gauge wire onto it Be certain thatthe fuse holder is asclose to the power source batteryor accessory buss as possible Thisprotects the powercableandyourX 5intheeventofashort TheX 5isprotectedfrom accidental polarity reversals and will not be harmed if the wires are reversed However the unit will not work until the correct polarity is applied 42 3 Power ...

Page 6: ...ite orcall oneofourAuthorizedServiceCentersortheLowrance CustomerService Departmentin Tulsa OK Ifyou live out ofthestateofOklahoma call1 800 331 3889 free If you live in thestateofOklahoma call collect918 437 6881 Pleasedetail the problemyou are experiencing OurService Depart ment maybeable tosaveyou the inconvenienceofreturningyourunit If it sdeterminedyourunitmustbereturned we llprovidefullshipp...

Page 7: ...ISH The importance of bait fish to successful fishing can t be over emphasized They arethe principlefood ofall gamefish in mostwaters Baitfish are the planktonfeedingforage fish such as minnowsand shad Baitfish can also be the young of game fish such as crappies bluegill and bass Mostbaitfishareconcentratedwithin fivefeetofthe surfacewhere sunlight promotes the growth of the plankton on which they...

Page 8: ...rom the menuselection A new menuwill appear KEEL OFFSET IS 0 0FT ENTER VALUE IN TENTHS THEN PRESS Sensitivity Manual Operation Attimes it may be desirabletoturnthe automatic functions offand finetune theX 5tothe currentconditions Tomanuallyadjustthe sensitivity presstheAUTOkeyonce andauto sensitivitywillbe turned off ThewordAUTOatthetopofthe displaywill disappear signifyingthattheX 5is inthemanual...

Page 9: ...e usedto outline bottomcontourwhich might otherwise behidden beneathtreesorbrush Itwill alsogive clues to thecomposition ofthebottom i e determineifthebottomis hardorsoff A hard bottom returnsavery strongsignal causing a widegray line A soft muddyorweedy bottomreturnsaweakersignalwhichisemphasizedwith anarrow gray line When the X 5 is first turned on the GRAYLINE level is preset To adjust it press...

Page 10: ...keysare pressed the sensitivitybar atthetop ofthedisplay will change to a dashed line and the word CHT will replace the word AUTO nearthetop ofthedisplay Thedashed bar representsthe chart speed Ifyoupress and hold the FAST keyfor example the bar will start movingtotheright signifyingthatthechart speed isincreasing There are 10steps ofchart speed When the horizontalbar reachesthefarrightside ofthes...

Page 11: ... then theX 5will autorangeitbacktothe8O pointThisallowsthebottom signal to travel almost the entire vertical area of the display The only disadvantage to this is that echoes above the bottom signal cannot be seenwhenthebottomsignal isnearthetopofthescreen However ifyou wishto only trackthe bottom signal while keepingthe automatic range changesto aminimum then thewideautorangewindowwill beuseful To...

Page 12: ...omsignal inthe lowerportion of the display As the bottom depth changes theX 5will automatically change the lower limit to keep the bottom signal on the display When the X 5 changes rangeswhileinthe automaticmode the lower limit selected will always be a multiple of ten In other wordsthe lowerlimitwill beanumberthatends inzero suchasten twenty forty one hundred etc The lower limitmay be changed whi...

Page 13: ...LE DIGITALAVERAGING 9 DISABLEDIGITALAVERAGING 10 BATTERYBACKUP ENABLED 11 BATTERYBACKUP DISABLED 12SCALEON 13SCALE OFF 14CALIBRATESPEED 15TEST PATTERNON 16TEST PATTERNOFF 17 KEELOFFSET 18TOTALSYSTEM RESET Manual Operation Thelower limitmaybechanged to anysettingwhiletheX 5 is inthe manualmode regardlessofwhere thebottomsignal is Tochangethe lowerlimitinmanualmode firstmakecertaintheword AUTO is no...

Page 14: ...tore an entire screen when desired Thanksto the internalbattery the display memory can be retainedeven ifpower is disconnectedfrom the X 5 Bypressingafewkeys thedisplaythatiscurrentlyon thescreen will bestoredintomemory completewith upperandlowerlimits digitalbottom depth temperature and speed Ifany or all of these functions are dis played on the screen then they will be stored and displayed when ...

Page 15: ...ineffect whenitwas lastused However attimesitmaybedesirabletoerasethesesettingsand start over Using the PRESET function allowsthe X 5 to be reset to the factory standardsettings ToresettheX 5 simply press 2nd PRESfl a20 footzoom window Thismeansthatthe X 5 will keeptheupperlimit setting 20 feetabove the lowerlimitand placethe bottom signal in this window tracking itas itmovesshallower ordeeper Pre...

Page 16: ...therandyou justwantto know thebottomdepth Thiswill giveboth thefastestpossible depthupdatesplusan easy to read display To change backinto normal mode simplypress 2nd 7 again and choose either 1 small numbersor2 mediumnumbers The digital display can be turned off bypressingthe DIGITAL key in theDIGITALSONARportionofthekeyboard LOG Iftheoptional speedsensor modelLSS 5isattachedtotheX 5 then total di...

Page 17: ...2nd DIGITAL SPEED If the optional speed transducer model LSS 5 is installed then the X 5iscapable ofdisplaying boat speed and distance travelled or log To display the boatspeed press 2nd 4 SPEED Thecurrent boat speed in statue miles per hourwill bedisplayedimmediatelyabovethe digital bot tom depth To change to knots or kilometers press 2nd 6 M KT Ig A menuwill appear seefigure 26 askingyouto press...

Page 18: ...rm s window Any echothat appearsbetweenthetopandbottomofthis bar willsound thealarm Both theshallow and deep endsofthisbarcanbe adjustedtomakeasmaller or largeralarm window 3 SCC SURFACECLARITYCONTROL Themarkingsatthetop ofthedisplay can attimesextend manyfeet below the surface Thiscan interferewithfish signals or other targets Thesemarkingsare calledSurfaceClutterandare caused bywaveaction boat w...

Page 19: ... ZoneAlarm set tingswill remaininmemory Pressingeither SHALLOWorDEEPSETkeys will turn theZoneAlarn back on withthe previoussettings key Discriminationmaybeturned offbypressing0 DISC orCLEAR DISC ToviewtheDiscriminationsettingwithoutchangingit presstheDISC Ii I TEMP 2 F C TEMPERATURE Todisplaythesurfacewatertemperature press 2nd 1 TEMP The temperaturewill bedisplayed immediatelyabovethe digitalbott...

Page 20: ...ALM will disappearfromthelowerportionofthedisplay signifyingbothshallow and deep alarms have been turned oftTheCLEAR keycan also be usedto turn the alarms off Simply press CLEAR SHALLOWALARM or CLEAR DEEP ALARMtoturneach ofthe alarmsoff Note Both Shallow and Deep Alarms must be off for the words DEPTH ALM tobeerasedfrom the display LIGHT F AUTO IL LIGHT Lightsbehindthedisplayandthekeyboardare prov...
