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Page 1: ... LMS 1 50 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHO IN U S A 988 0119 28 I LQWRAfjcE ELECTRONICS INC 1 000 E SKELLY DR TULSA OK 74128 PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Page 2: ...rudentnavigator will not only take advantage of all available navigation tools but will also visuallycheckto make dertain a clear safe path to a waypointis alwaysavailable WARNING USETHIS LORAN RECEIVER ONLYAS ANAID TO NAVIGATION A CAREFULNAVIGATOR NEVER RELIESON ONLYONEMETHOD TO OBTAIN POSITION INFORMATION NOTICE MAKE CERTAINTHE LORAN IS DISPLAYING THE CORRECT POSITIONIN LATITUDE LONGITUDE COORDI...
Page 4: ...NOTES PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Page 5: ...d functions on theunit You can t hurt ft by press ingbuffons MOUNTING You caninstall the LMS 150 in anyconvenient location providedthere is clearance behind the unit Place it in positionfirst and tilt itbrIhe bestviewiitigangle Thenmarkthe holes in thebracketbase You can use woàthscrewsor through boltsto attach the bracket to the boat You may heed to place a piece of plywood on the back of thin fi...
Page 6: ...n the LMS i50 s powercable Do not connecttheshield wiretotheautopilot Seeyourautopilot s manual for moreinstructions Ifyou renotgoingto usethisfeature cutancitapethe whitewireto preventashort The MS i50hasreversepolarityprotection Nodamagewill dccurtothe unitifthepowerwiresare hooked upbackwards However itwon twork untilthewiringis connectedproperly Minimize electrical noise by routingthe power ca...
Page 7: ...al 1 14 machinethread NOTpipe thread This allows theuseof standardantennamounting hardware Tightenall hardware securely The cable supplied with the LC 1 is thirty feet long Do not cut the cable if its too long Instead coil and store h out of the way An extension cableis available ifthe cableis too short Ask yourdealeror call your local servicecenteror the Eagle FactoryCustomer Service departmentfo...
Page 8: ...cethe sensoronthe transomwiththebottomofthesensor flushwiththebottomofthehull Markthetransomin the centerof each slot and drill a 5 32 mounting hole Mountthesensortothehull with 10 stainlesssteelscrews not included Usea goodgrade ofcaulking compound to seal the screws Adjustthesensorso it isflush with the underside ofthe hull and tighten thescrews It the base of the transom has a radius fill the g...
Page 9: ... the same time in an unique split screen mode The connection diagrambelow shows the proper method to attach thetransducersto the LMS 15o Note If dual frequency operation is desired a MY 2 TransducerAdapterCable must beused See yourtransducerowner s manual for installation instructions 192 kflr TRANSDUCER 5 N 50kHz jjSDUCER DUAL FREQUENCY T 7 SINGLE FREQUENCY K 1 TRANSDIJCER T CONNECTOR ON LMS 150 ...
Page 10: ...he range when the unit is in the manual mode ZOOM TheLMS 1 50 gives you2Xand 4X zoomcapabilitywiththis key AUTO Thisturnsthe Sonar sautomatic featureoffand on ALARM Activateand adjust the spnaralarms throughthiscey 6 AUTO ________U 7 C _______________________ J 1 HR iii RANG Ei 4 H 4 ii AUTOI METZI 9 OFFILON arranged inthreeverticalcolumns Thekeysin used for menu selections and numeric entry qolum...
Page 11: ...plotter Forexample if you pressthe MENUkey while the sonarscreen is displayed the first sonar menu appears Pressing the MENU key whilethe plotteris displayedbrings up the first plottermenu screen DISPLAy General The lights are on for about ten seconds when you first turn the LMS 150 on Menus appearatthesame lime To keepthe lights on prçss the key adjacent to the Light label Seethe pictureon the ne...
Page 12: ...ngssuchas sensifivity chart speed alarm settings and more in battery backed up memory This mèhiory is retained even ifthe MS i50 is removedfromtheboat To erasethe settings and return the MS ISO to the factory settings turn the unitoff thenpressandholdtheCLEAR keyand press theON keyatthesametime Hold the C EARkey until you hearthestarting beep then release it The MS ISOwill restartusingthefactoryde...
Page 13: ...oth a30degreeand 45degree cone angles for 50 kHz Note This is an Unofficial Preliminary Coverage Diagram Coverage wascomputedusingconservative estimates of stationrange limits atmosphericnoise and grid geometry The LMS 150 hasthe capability to oper ate at 192 kHz or 50 kHz It candisplay echoes from eithertransduceror bothat the same time in an unique split screen mode Once the transducers are con ...
Page 14: ...nformation High sensitivity levels enablesyou to see this detail but it can also clutterthe screen with noise Typically the bestsensitivity level shows agood solidbottom signalwithGRAYLINE and someäurface clutter The LMS 150 adjusts the sensitivity when it s intheautomaticmode This keepsasolidbottom signaldisplayed plus thecapability to show fish and otherdetail However situationsoccurwhere it bec...
Page 15: ...the key When yu reach either themaximum or minimum limit the speakerwill sound analert tone To turnthemenus off pressthekey adjacent to the CLEARkey at the bottomleftside of the unit When using the LMS 150 in the dual frequency mode a new menu appears that lets you adjust the sensitivity and GRAYLINEfor both frequencies Simplypressthe key adjacenttothe50kHz i92kHzlabel to adjusteachside 11 The sen...
Page 16: ...etween strongand weaksignals adjustingthesensitivity mayrequire adifferentGRAYLINE level also The level chosen bytheLMS 15O at poweron is usually adequate for mostconditions Experiment with yourunitto find the GRAYLINE settingthat s bestfor you To adjust GRAYLINE press the SENS key The sensitivity menu appearsintheupperleftside ofthedisplay whiletheGRAYLINE label appearsimmediately beneath it Now ...
Page 17: ...en Thisis calledAuto Rangingand is part of The automatic function You cannot change the range while theun is in automatic RANGE ADJUST MENU MANUAL MODE ONLY 13 NG4 LCD NOTES 0 0 OMALflATS W 0R17970 0 8 DLLALRATE ORI 970 RANGE Manual The LMS 150 gives you controloverthe rangewhen it áinthemanual mode Bdth thelowerand the upperlimitare adjustable To changtherange first makecertain the LMS 150 is int...
Page 18: ... we used 21 feet Ifyoumakeanerror presstheCLEARkeyand startagain Now pressthe ENTER key The LMS 150 changesthe upper limitto the new value 30FOOT WINDOW 21 FEET To 51 FEEl 14 LORAN C NORTHWEST PACIFIC CHAIN GRI 9970 MANUALY ___________0 7 UPPERILOWER UMITMENU UPPER UMITENTRY 21 MNuALr 5O4rT a 51 192 Anrssi r nt Limit 4 tonr q NM nd NMFl Lwri 15 2dM No s flat V WOJIMA W MACUSIS X IOKKAIDO V GESASNI...
Page 19: ...bothfresh and saltwater 0ES00 M 0TER YANKEE XMITT 10 C DELL ETAT0ON COOP lu IWOJIEM 244003EN JAPAN 0401930 3E EMECU0ISLAND 2417OVEN II000 JAPAN 0035003 25 4003 00 NCKMIDO 424437 IN 30000f JAPAN 143430E 2E OESAEHI 26312L0N 000 JAPAN 0000001 40 4403 00 EAPRISADA 1327LOiN 0036 041 1444033 00 81004 PWR TRANSMIT N0 I 0 W ANTBIM NOTES ANPFII 40 IBIS Isoor ________ Ma4OPOL0 1300FT AN 0P04 40 2000 MCNOPOL...
Page 20: ...of the screen They re simply en largedop theleft side Thisfeaturetracks thebottom always keeping it onthedisplaywhiletheautQrnaticfeatureis on Onceyou vesetthe zoom as desired presstheCLEAR keyto erase the menus SPLIT SCREEN ZOOM AUTOMATICS MODE To turntheZoomfeatureoff press the RANGE key ZOOM MANUALMODE Whenyou press the zoom keywhiletheunitis inthemanual mode the screenshown at thetopofthe next...
Page 21: ...e labeltwo times The DisplayZoomWindowBar menu appearsat the bottom ofthescreen Thismenu only appears whentheLMS 150 isin the manual mode Press the key adjacent to this menu to display the zoom bar Repeat thesestepsto turnthezoomwindowbar9ff MENUS The LMS 15Ouses menus extensively to guide you throughthefunc tions and features oftheunit The menu key accesses many of tltese features allowing you to...
Page 22: ...echart speed Youcan seethe change onthescreen both on the menu and on the chart record as you press the keys Afteryou vemadetheadjustment pressthekeyadjacent totheCLEAR key to erase themenu The chart speed is preset to maximum when the LMS lso is first turnedon To stopthechart pressthekeyadjacent tothe START STOP label Repeat this step to startthechartagain Ifdesired the chartcan be stopped then t...
Page 23: ...Mc 1000LE 470340GM 100W AI4 FFN 45 SLT 0 0 DUALRATE04 12510000 I1044 30 5W 2706 00 304657GM 2750Sf AN FPN 44A 400 525Fl 0 5 1032944 504 1004 50 MGMOPOLE 351015 201 420591 AN FPN 44 540 SLT 0 5 1144El7 4W 1007 30 The micro computer is sophisticated but it can be fooled It can t distinguish between fish and othersuspendedobjectssuch astrotlines turtles submerged floats airbubbles etc Individualtree ...
Page 24: ...t s depth The cursoris simply a horizontal line that extends acrossthe displayfrom leftto right A depth box at the end ofthe lineon the right side showstheline sdepth In the example below the cursor line is at 16 1 feet To displaythechartcursor presstheMENU key Now press the key adjacent to the Turn OnChart Cursor label A screen similar to the one belowappears Usethekeysadjacent to the up and down...
Page 25: ...hallowAlarm To use the Shallow Alarm first press the MENUkey Now press the key adjacent to the Sonar Alarms label The screen below right appears TheShallowand DeepAlarm menus are at the top ofthis screen Now pressthe keyadjacenttothe Set Shallow label The screen similarto theone shown at the top ofthenextpageappears Depth Alarms i4s rnaru 1 II__iirrn J ALL Alarms HTttibfl Off K MEDITERRANEAN SEA L...
Page 26: ...TE inside Pressing the keyadjaceht to thisarrowtemporarilyturnsthe alarm s sound off The nexttimethq alarm trips the tonewillsound again Toturn theshallowalarm off first press the MENU key Nowpressth key adjacentto the SonarAlarms label Thenpressthekey adjacent to the SetShallow label Now pressthe key adjacent to the ON OFF label Anotherway to turn the shallowalarm off is to simplyset the shallowa...
Page 27: ...eyadjacenttOthe up arrowto move the end of the bar up Pressthe key adjacentto the downarrowto moveit down Onceyod vemadethe adjustments pressthe CLEAR keyto erasethe menus 23 SOUTHEAST US LORAN CCHAIN FRI7980 REGIONALMANAGERCOMMANOER ATLANTIOAREA NEWYORKNY CHAIN MANAGER COMMANDER ATLANTIC AREA NEW YORK NY COORDINATOR OFCHAIN OPERATIONSLOCATION LORSTA MALONE FL CONTROL SITE LORSTA MALONE FL 0008 MA...
Page 28: ...ed To turn the audioalarmon9roff press the MENU key Nowpressthe keyadjacent tothe SonarAlarms label Next press the keyadjacent to the Turn Off label in the All Alarms section To turn the audio alarmon presstheALARMkey again The labelthat wasusedto turn thesoundoffnow reads Turn On Pressthe keyadjacent tothis label toturnthesoundon Depth Alarms A NOTE The words correspondingto thealarm in use will ...
Page 29: ...I ODOR Is XMITTER IKWI ANTENNA ECD NOTES 6217S5 A4 AM FFW4A 220 525FT E E DUALIRATO W 0R17530 0704 26 5W MOIOPOLO 682005 260 11026 AN FF 03S 166 625FT 0 0 1427 47 06 4046 10 M0 OOPOLE 544820 1W 20000 AWFFR4 42 625FT 0 0 201736 26 4006 62 M0105 OLE 0454 26 014 40062 AN FPI4 45 1360FT 0 0 DUALRATEW 0R17520 820521 0W 2644 64 MaIopcs o 7064527W 084360 7W 50000 821021 AN P14 30 166 020Fl 0 0 M0 4OFOLE ...
Page 30: ...le if you press the key adjacent to the SMALL label the digital displays showin small numbers The large digital selection erases the chartand shows the digital disr plays in large numbers as shown above right Pressing themenu key gives only one menu page which is differentfrom other menus This menu lets you go backto chart information placing the digital display back in the mediumsize It also lets...
Page 31: ...l chart display FASTRAK converts the graph to a graphthat withpractice makes a usefuladdition to fishing ary locatibn lineson a vertical bar at a station NOTE FishID is automatically turned off when FASTRAKis on To turn FASTRAKon press the menu key thenpress the key adjacent to the More label Now press the key adjacentto the Turn On Fastrak label To turn it off repeat the same steps The Turn Off F...
Page 32: ...anging the noise rejection levelto high To do this first press the MENU key then thekey adjacentto the More label twotimes The screen at right appears Now pressthekeyadjacentto the Set Noise Rejection label The screen at Select Digital Sizes 4 La Turn On Fastrak 4 I MENU 3rd PAGE AW OMATICON FISH IDOFF SONAP_HènuPg2 Construct Digital B1qqJ a I I LORANC LABRADOR SEA CHAIN GRI 7930 4 La Turn Off ASP...
Page 33: ...tteris reduced fromthe surface to about 45feet Thereare three levels of SCC low me dium and high Note that 3CC is not available whentheFish l D featureis on The SCC menu doesn t show until the Fish l D featureis turnedoff MENU 3rdPAGE AUTOMATIC ON FISH IDOFF The Chart Noise Rejection Is Normal Select ui irnfl LABRADOR SEA LORAN c CHAIN GRI7930 REGIONAL MANAGER COMMANDER ATLANTIC AREANEW YORK NY CH...
Page 34: ... SCCADJUST MENU DISPLAy ZONE ALARM BAR The bar used in the zone alarm nor mally disappears after setting the alarm You can turn it on continu ously if desired TotUrn the zone alarm bar on press the MENU key then the key adjacent to the More label three times Nowpresstheke adjacenttothe DISPLAY ZONEBAR label The menu screen disappears and the zone alarm bar displays on the screen s right side This ...
Page 35: ... 29 2W 1105 2 343 90 AN EPN 44A 540 SOFT l c MCO4OPOOE 003 2 0 DUAl RATEWIGS7060 zooM ADJUST MENU MANUALMODE 41260 M00614 54 7206 61 132HOG S 27200 IS27SE A5O FJ 14 45 1600 SOT 0 6 DUALSAlEW GS9940 400 626FT MQOFOLE 2 0 ALEATBAY DISPLAYZOOM WINDOWBAR The bar used to adjustthe zoomwindowin the manual mode normally disappears aftersettingthe zoomwindow Youcanturn it on continu ously which keeps the ...
Page 36: ...z if both50 kHz and 192 kHz transducersare connectedto the LMS 150 Using the 50 kHz frequency for the digital sonar allows the LMS 150 to reach greater depths However typicallythe 50 kHz doesn tworkaswell asthe 192 kHz at highspeed The LMS 150 lets youswitchbetween frequencies using thebest one for conditions To change the digital sonar s frequency press the MENU key then pressthekey adjacent toth...
Page 37: ...enttd the Set Keel Offset label The menu shown at right appears _________ Use the numbered keys on the left side of the screen to enter the desired keel offset Press the AUTO key to switch fromnegativetopositive Inthisexample a positive keel offsetof 2 5 feet is used When the desired keel offsetis shown in the winqow pressthe ENTER keyto ac tivatethe selection The LMS 150 sdigi tal sonarshows thek...
Page 38: ...selection on thefifthsonarmenu padlets you compensatefor any inaccuracy To adjust the speedometer press the MENUkey then pressthe key adjacent to the More t label until the fifth spnar menu pageappears Now press the key adjacent to the Calibrate Speed label A screen similar to the one at thetop of thenextpageappears 34 AUTOZ 0 50 OFT itI S AUTOr 0 52 0FT ec 1 I 60 L J192KHZI SONAR Menu Pg 5 I Set ...
Page 40: ... adjacentto the SELECT UNITS OF ____ MEASURE label The menu shown be low left appears Now press the key nextto the label youwishto change In this example the key nexttothe Depth label was pressed The menu shown belowrightappears Now press the key adjacent to either the Feet Fathoms or Meters ía bels The unit of measure will change accordingly and the LMS 150 will re turnto thesonardisplay 36 The D...
Page 41: ... key adjacentto the down arrow Press the CLEAR key to erase the menu or wait about ten secondsand it will automatically clear SPEAKERVOLUME The speakervolumehastwo steps low and high The speakervolume is high when the unit is first turned on To changeit firstpressthe MENU key then pressthe key adjacent to the More la bel until Sonar Menu Pg 6 appears Now press the key adjacent to the Set SpeakerVo...
Page 42: ...chartsonarOpera tion can be stopped if desired This turns the LMS 150 into a loran naviga tion only device To stop the sonarop eration first press the MENUkey then pressthe key adjacentto the More la bel until the seventh sonar menu page appears Nowpress thekey adjacent to the Turn Off Chart DigitalSONARS loranONLY 1 label Thisstopsthechart and digitalsonarat the sametime U Turn Off C jart Digital...
Page 43: ...supplied with the LMS 150 has a 20 degree cone angle Typically wide cone angle transducers 20 de grees are idealfor operating inshallowto mediumwaterdepths The 20 degreecone angleallows youto see moreofthe underwaterworld In 15 feet of waterthe 20 degree cone coversan area about six feet across The 8degree transducercoversonly about atwofoot circle The 20 degreetransducer is almost always the best...
Page 44: ...ldbeconducted 1 Startyourunitwiththe externalground ofthe coupler disconnected Ataknown latitude and longitude allowthe unitto lock ontotheknown stations checkto make surethat the ID s are correctfor this known location andacquireand convert tothe known latitude and longitude of yourlocation 2 Allow the unit to run for several minutes and make note of the strengths SNR s ofthe stationsyou are usin...
Page 45: ...enoughto get fish arches One of the best ways to get fish arches is to expand or zoom a segmentof the water Forexample from 45to 60 feet The smaller the segment the better the screen resolution will be The easiestway to do this on the LMS I50 is withthe Zoomfeature Usethe2x or 4x zoom mode to expand theechoes makingit easier to see detail For the best results turn the sensitivity up as high as pos...
Page 46: ... Ifthis happens placetheunitin the manual mode thenchangetherangeto a realistic one forexample 0 100feet andincreasethesensitivity Asyoumoveintoshallower water abottOm signalshouldappear LORANTROUBLESHOOTING 1 You must have an 8 antenna Preferably the entire length ofthe antenna shouldbehigherthananything else on the boat 2 Forbestresults wirethepowercabledirectly tothebattery prefer abIythe main ...
Page 47: ...itsabilityt6 findthebottomorothertargets Thetechnicaltermforthis is Cavitation 2 Electrical noisefromtheboat s motorcaninterfere withthesonar This causesthesonarto automatically increaseitsDiscriminationor noise rejection feature Thiscancausetheunittoeliminateweakersignalssuch asfishorevenstructure fromthedisplay Try usingresistorsparkplugs or routingthesOnarunit spowerandtransducercables awayfrom...
Page 48: ...fthemalfunction willbethelocation and orangleofthetransducer The faceofthetransducer mustbeplacedinalocation thathasasmooth flow ofwateratallboatspeeds Read yourtransducerowner smanual forthe bestmountingposition 44 JUMP AND LOCK All loran receivers have to lock ontothe thirdcycleof the signaltrans mitted from the stations The LMS 150 may have trouble findirig the thirdcycle if you operate the uni...
Page 49: ...PEED CON STANT label appears Pressthe keyad jacenttothat label Thescreen shown at rightappears Simply press the key next tothe desired speedconstant TheLMS 150 returnsto the last position or naviga tionscreenusingthe speed constant you selected heavy Ifyou select light the and navigation displays will the fastestupdates Conse Filter is MEDIUM Select Median 4 LORAN McriuP 3 4 I Set Speabex Volume L...
Page 50: ...ONS Stationletters surroundedby ablack box are theonescUrrentlyusedby the unittoCalculatealatitude longitude TheTO forthe station showsto the rightofthestation s letter TheASFoffset in micro seconds shows to the right of the TO To change the offset for a station pressthe key adiacent to the station s letter An asterisk appears showing that this stationhas been selected In this example station W wi...
Page 51: ...eneral Loran is shortforLongRAngeNavigation It sa navigation systemthat uses powerful low frequency 100 kHz radio transmitters and sensitive receivers Thus you candetermineyour positioFtover long distances Loranwasdevelopedand used duringWorld War II Atthat time it was called Loran A and operated at a higher frequency Research and development continued during the fifties The current Loran version ...
Page 52: ...difference in your actual position and the one displayedby theloran due to ASF In this case the loran signalsare distortedfrom their theoretical position Since the measured TOs are shifted theloran shows aTDOr latitude longitudethat is nottheactual position The LMS 150 has an correction feature that lets you change theASF Thisforcestheloran to usea new ASF instead ofthe onethat resides in its memo...
Page 53: ...also display latitude longitude The receiver takes theTD information and using a complex mathematical formula converts it to latitude longitudepositiondata You can displaybothTD s and latitude Ioñgi tudeon the MS ISOto determine yourposition GETTING STARTED INITIALIZATION The MS i50 must be initialized pr told where it is the first time it s turnedon Onceit locks on totheproper stations and showsa...
Page 54: ...hod forces the MS iso intothe manual mode PRESENTPOSITION AND GRI INITIALIZATION mile Givingthe MS i50 bothyourpresentposition andtheGIRltypicallylets To it find the stationsfaster Therefore it can give you a position faster adjust arrival alarm press the MENU using this initialization procedure However you may need to selct key press the key next to the More label Now stations sincethe unit could...
Page 55: ...l alsu tb sequencing through the waypoints on the route 70 When the LMS 150 is turned on for the very tirst time and youpress the LORAN key the screen shown at right appears To initialize the loran usingthe C RI search press the keys adjacentIbthe SELECT GRI ar rows lt ydu know your present posi tion and you want the loran to choosetheCR1 press thekey adja centto the POSITION arrow Note You can re...
Page 56: ...of waypoints Whenthp first waypoint that you want to use in the route appears in the selectiorbox atthetopof the screen press the key adjacent to the SELECT __________________ WAYPOINT abet Thewaypoint s num ber appearsinthe box at the top of the __________________ screen This lets you know that this is _________________ thefirstwaypointin the route Continue selecting waypoints intheorder ________...
Page 57: ...ations withinthe selectedchain The station selebtion screenshown below automatically appearsnext Since usingthe Change CR1 mode puts the MS i50 into the manual mode you ___________________ have to select the stations used in the chain Arrowswiththe station lefters ap pear on this screen To select a station ____________________ simply press the key nextto the desired station s letter An asterisk ap...
Page 58: ...PTH FT 32 0 everything onthisscreen is correct press the ENTER key The screen atthetopofthepreviouCpage appears next Thisis the View andSave menu If you wantto save this positionunder anumber otherthantheone displayed simply press thekey adjacentto the up or down arrows Thismoves the listofwaypoint numbers up or down Whenthe desiredwaypoint number is surrounded bytheblack box press the ENTER key T...
Page 59: ...essthe ENTER key The unitwill show navigation information to that position To save a waypoint other than your present position first press the Waypoint Savekey Thwaypoint save menu appears Ifyou wish to savethe waypoint usinglatitude longitude pressthekeyadjacent tothe INPUTLL WPT label To save awaypoint usingTD s pressthe key adjacent to the INPUTTD WPT label ___________________ The stepsto save ...
Page 60: ...thepreferred CR1 PRIMARY and ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS The lorannormally determines its positionby measuringthe timediffer encebetween the master andtwoothersecondarystationth Eachtime difference results in a line of position Your present frition is the intersection ofthe lines ofposition Thisis calleda fix A mathematical formulaintheloran receiverusesTb stodeterminethe latitude longitude position Due t...
Page 61: ...rthe loran to lockonto thestations givegoodfix qualities and signal strengths but show the latitude longitude on the otherside ofthebaselinefrom yourpresentposition Thesetwoposi tions your present position and the one on the other side of the baseline are calledtheprimaryand alternate solutions They reusually I far apart making it easy to tell if the loran is displaying a position far fromyouractu...
Page 62: ... to the last used loran screen showing all navigation information in degrees true Repeat these steps to switch bäclç to magnetic The menu that originallysaid UseTrueBearing now reads UseMagnetic Bearing presentposition and the D is thedestination The destination is the recalled waypoint position If you are using a route it s the first waypoint location in the route The dotted line is the direct pa...
Page 63: ...F s are in use Beneath the position display are the automatic manual Fnode and the primary alternate solution indicators If theunit is inthe automatic mode the letters AUTO appear When the loran is in the manual mode the letters MAN show Onthe far right is the primary alternate solution display If the unit is in the primarymode the letters PRI appear ALT appear if the unit is in the alternate mode...
Page 64: ...tturnedon the distanceis shown in statute miles The bearing to the waypoint from your present posftion displaysjust above the C D I indicator in the middle of the screen The bearingId shown in degreesmagnetic MAG BRG when the LMS i50 is turhed on forthefirsttime NAVIGATION SUMMARY SCREEN This screen shows all navigation information to a waypoint in digital numbers To displaythis screen pressthe ME...