Summary of Contents for LMS-150 GPS

Page 1: ...LMS 1 5OGPS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHOIN U S A 988 0119 23 LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS INC 12000 E SKELLY DR TULSA OK 74128 PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...

Page 2: ...vigation tools but will also visuallycheckto make certain a clear safe pathto a waypointisalwaysavailable WARNING USE THIS GPS RECEIVER ONLYASAN AIDTO NAVIGATION ACAREFULNAVIGATOR NEVER RELIES ON ONLYONE METHOD TO OBTAIN POSITION INFORMATION CAUTION Asof this writing the Department of Defense DOD has not declaredthe OPS navigation system as operational The system is still in a testingphase Satelli...


Page 4: ...NOTES PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...

Page 5: ...esand functionson the unit You can t hurt it by pressing buttonsl MOUNTING You caninstalltheLMS 1SOGPSin anyconvenientlocation provided thereis clearancebehind theunit Place it inpositionfirst andtilt it for the bestviewingangle Then mark the holesinthebracketbase You canusewoodscrewsorthrough bolts toattachthebrackettotheboat You may needto place a piece of plywood on the back of thin fiber glass...

Page 6: ... manual formoreinstructions Ifyou renotgoingtousethisfeature cutandtape thewhitewireto prevent ashort TheLMS 1SOGPShasreversepolarityprotection Nodamagewilloccur totheunitifthepowerwires arehooked upbackwards However itwon t work until the wiringisconnectedproperly Minimize electrical noise by routing the powercable away from other possible sourcesof electrical interference One of the largest nois...

Page 7: ...oles for the mountingscrews and one 9 16 hole for the modules cable Attachthe cableto the module and pass it down through the hole in the gasketand the mounting surface Use 10 32 machine screws not included to fastentheGPS module to the mounting sur face Routethe25 GPS cabletotheLMS 15OGPS 9 16 Hole 3 GASKET TO SPEED TEMP SENSOR TO GPS MODULE TO PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s ...

Page 8: ... the sonar sectionformoreinformation on thesefeatures LMS 150QP5 SONARSPECIFICATIONS LMS 15OGPSDimensions 6 75 H x8 75 Wx3 75 D Input Voltage 10 15vDC Current 600 ma lightsoff 750 ma lightson Transmitter 192 kHzand 50 kHz 3000watts peak to peak 375 watts RMS 4 0 Hx 2 5 W 200 H x 128W 25 600Total LMS 15OGPS RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS GPSModule Dimensions 2 5 H x 4 1 Wx 7 0 Channels Five Parallel Fourc...

Page 9: ...rifying events ishaving afriendorfamilymember falloverboard This situation canbedeadlyon anybodyofwater fresh orsalt It sparticularlydangerousatnightorifyou reoutof sightofland Ofcourse thefirstthingtodois remain calmand try all standardsafety measurestotryandrescuetheperson Ifyoulose sightoftheperson you can usethe LMS 15OGPSto initiate asearch pattern Onceyou rebackatthehelmafterinitialrescue ef...

Page 10: ...tthefactorycustomerservicede partment ifthe module fails the selftest To use the self test feature press the MENU key then press thekeyadjacent to the CHANGE SETUP label Nowpress thekey nextto the MORE label until the GPS Module Self Test label appears Finally pressthe keyadjacenttothatlabel Thescreenat right appears WORD 6 U000 WORD 7 FFFF WORD 8 rrrr WORD 9 0000 WORD 10 vrrr WORD 11 0000 WORD 12...

Page 11: ...screen Pressthe key adjacent tothedesired dataoutput TheLMS 1SOGPSwill return to thelast used GPSor plotterscreen and sendNMEA dataoutthewhite PRESET ThePreset featurereturns allsonar andGPSunitstotheiroriginalfactory settings This resets the unitsofmeasure speakervolume automatic mode on the sonar side display contrast and more Thisdoesn terase anywaypointsorroutes however TheGPSwillhavetobeiniti...

Page 12: ...splaysthefrequency select menus SEWS Pressthiskey to adjustthe unit ssensitivityand GRAYLINE RANGE This key lets you adjust the range when the unit is in the manual mode ZOOM TheLMS 15OGPS gives you 2Xand 4Xzoomcapability with this key Nowenterthedifference betweenyourpositionand thechart slocation in latitudeand longitude Thescreen shown belowappears next Pressthekeysadjacent tothe N SorE W Toggl...

Page 13: ...e displayto match one shown on thechart Theunit addsthisoffsetto all position displays Forexample supposeyouareanchored at a location that isaccurately marked onachart YourLMS 15OGPS displays alongitude positionthat is 010 degrees less than the one on the chart Using the Position Correction Factor PCF Offsetfeature youmaketheLMS 15OGPSread thesameasthechart Ifyouraise anchorandmove theLMS 15OGPS 6...

Page 14: ...creen shown at right appears This screen shows the following informa tion presentposition receiverchannelnum ber C satellite number SAT azimuth AZM elevation EL signal to noise ratio SN channelstatus T and visiblesatellites IOH p U U 13 12 311 324 60 27 35 29 T 8 02 115 46 43 1 208 28 42 74 1935 I 1 VISIBLE SATS 13 02 06 24 12 14 The LMS 1SOGPS has a five channel receiver The channel number appear...

Page 15: ... tone Afteryou vefinishedwiththesettings onthispage press theCLEARkey to return totheOPSscreen FREQUENCY SELECT Lowrance offers both 50and192kHztransducers fortheLMS 15OGPS The192 kHzfrequencytypicallyhassuperiortargetresolution showing fish structure and bottomdefinition betterthan50 kkz However the 192 kHz doesn t penetrate wateras well as 50 kHz thereforeit won t go asdeep Also 192 kHzconeangle...

Page 16: ...revious page appears Press the keysadjacentto the IncRTE or DecRTE arrows toview adifferentroutenumber Whenthedesired route shows on the display press the EN TERkey Theroutemenu screen shown at right appears Toerasetheselectedroute pressthe key adjacent to the ERASEA ROUTE label The LMS 15OGPSreturns tothelastusedGPSorplotterdisplay The routeis now erased CANCEL NAVIGATION To stopthe LMS 15OGPSfro...

Page 17: ...hatwaypoint theLMS 1500PS automati callyswitchesto the next waypoint in the route Thisrepeats until you vetravelled to allofthewaypoints intheroute EIN 03 12 18 To adjust thesensitivity press the SENS key The sensitivityadjust menu appears on the leftside ofthescreen The GRAYLINE adjust menu is immediately beneath it The sensitivity menu has up and down arrows plus a vertical bar graph The graph g...

Page 18: ...AYLINE level arrows until thedesired route numberap pears atthe top ofthescreen Ifthereare waypoints stored in the route theywillap pearbeneath the routenumber Oncethe desired routenumber displays atthetopof the screen press the ENTER key The screen shown atrightappears Nowpress thekey nextto the ADD TO A ROUTE label Thescreen shown belowappears __________________ This isthewaypoint selection menu...

Page 19: ...nextwaypoint in the route Theprocess repeats until all ofthewaypoints intheroutehave been reached There aretwostepsnecessary tocreatearoute First select theroute s number from 1 to 20 Thenpickthewaypoints to useintheroute To followa route yousimplyselecttherouteanddetermine whichwaypoint intheroutetostart with Thentelltheunitif you regoingto travelforwardthroughthe routeorbackward Aftercompleting ...

Page 20: ... first press the WAYPOINT SAVEkey thenpressthekey adjacent totheERASE A WPTlabel The screen shown at right appears The last savedwaypoint appearsfirst Toerase this location simply presstheENTER key To erasethelocation fromadifferentwaypoint number pressthekey adjacent tothe Inc WPT labeltoincreasethewaypointnum ber i e fromwaypoint number ito2 Pressthekeyadjacenttothe Dec WPT labelto decreasethewa...

Page 21: ...n butnotsaveitasawaypoint usethe GoToLatLonfeatureontheWaypoint Savemenu Afterpressingthekey adjacenttothe GoTo Lat Lon label thescreen shown above appears Thisscreenworksidenticallytothe EnterNewWaypoint screen Using the numbered keys enterthelocation s latitude longitude position Use the CLEAR key as a backspace if you make a mistake After you ve enteredthelastnumber twoarrowsautomatically appea...

Page 22: ...ick Save featuredoesn t let you select thewaypoint number Youhaveto usethenextavailable numberwhenusing that method The Viewand Savemethod letsyoupickthewaypoint numberthatyour presentposition isstoredin Note Youcan storeaposftion under awaypoint number that already has a positionassigned to ft usingthis method To saveyourpresent position presstheWAYPOINT SAVEkey The menu shown at right appears No...

Page 23: Present Positionas a Waypoint Saveas Feature TheLMS 15OGPSletsyousaveyourpresentpositionasawaypoint with onlytwokeypresses This QuickSave featureletsyousavetheposition ofawreck orotherlocations quicklyand easily To saveyourpresent positionas waypoint first press the WAYPOINT 5PUT SCREEN ZOOM MANUAL MODE To adjustthezoom pressthe key adjacentto the ADJUSTlabel A screen similar to the one at the...

Page 24: ... Radius Use this menu to changethe plotters ra dius The plot radius is 05 statute miles whentheLMS 15OGPSisturnedonforthe firsttime Theavailableplotradiiare 1 20 1 10 1 4 1 2 1 2 5 10 20 50 and 100 miles or nautical miles This lets you zoom in to see small variations in your course or zoom out to see yourstarting position present position track course anddestination Plot Update Theplottershowsyour...

Page 25: ...resentpositionto Distance to go DTG and Bearing to waypoint BRG Pressthekeyadjacentto the Show NAV Data labelto showthe PLOT Menu Pg l FISH I D The Fish 1 0 feature identifies targetsthat meetcertain conditions as fish The micro computer analyzes all echoesand eliminatessurface clutter thermoclines and other signals that are undesirable In most instances remaining targets are fish The Fish l D fea...

Page 26: ...hen FASTRAKis on PLOTFER Theplotterletsyouseeyourcourseanddirectionoftravel onthescreen If you ve recalled a waypoint the plotter _____________________ shows yourstarting location presentposi tion anddestination However youdo not havetorecallawaypoint tousetheplotter To usetheplotter simplypress the PLOT TERkey Ascreensimilartotheoneatright appears Theflashing crossisyourpresent position Thesolidl...

Page 27: ...allowwater Usethe deepalarm to alertyouto deeperwater such asadrop off NAVIGATION SCREEN Thenavigationscreen is usedwhenyou re ___________________ navigating to a waypoint It shows your present position destinationwaypoint num ___________________ ber distance to go DTG Bearing to Waypoint BRG Cross TrackError XTE Time To Go TTG and water depth _______________ DEPTH To use the navigation screen fir...

Page 28: ...callyerases and thewords SHAL ALARM appear in the screen s lower left corner This automatically turnstheshallow alarmon Whenthebottom signal triggersthis alarm atonesoundsandthewords SHALALARM flashon thedisplay An arrowappears withtheword MUTE inside Pressingthekeyadjacent tothis arrowtemporarilyturnsthealarm s sound off The nexttimethe alarmtrips thetonewillsound again Toturntheshallowalarmoff f...

Page 29: or 3D fix lati tude longitude plus altitude Yourpresent position displays at thetopof thescreen inlatitude longitudecoordinates Thisisexpressed indegrees minutes and thousandths ofaminute Forexample on this page the present position is 36 de N 3D POSITION 36 09 064 ii 95 50 450 COG MAC SOC MPH 2600 7 2 4 7 TIME 14 37 r FIX GOOD 8 DEPTH FT 32 0 bottomgoesdeeperthanthe alarm depth Thistone isdiff...

Page 30: ...keys enterthepresenttimefirst using24hourtime 2 00pm 14 00 etc Next enterthepresentdateinthe month day yearformat Forexample October4 1991 isenteredas 10 04 1991 Make cer tainto entertheentire year i e 1991 not 91 Afterenteringthetimeanddate press theENTER key This completes the time and dateentries 4 TIME DATE HI I MM MMDD iVV _III Afterthe LMS 15OGPS hasbeeninitialized press the CLEARkey The pos...

Page 31: ...ncelog and presentpositionontheupperleftportionof the screen When theLMS 1SOGPSis first turnedon onlythedigital depth shows You can turn eachdigital displayonor off as desired Thebatterybackup will retain thesesettings AUTO J 50 3nT A To select thedigital displays first pressthemenu key thenpressthe key adjacent to the More label Next press the key adjacentto the CONSTRUCT DIGITAL BLOCK menu at th...

Page 32: ...ITIALIZETHEUNITWHILETHELMS 15OGP5 S GPS SIMULATOR IS ON A sampleofthedigitalsizesappears atthetopofthedisplay Nowsimplypressthekeyadjacent tothedesired label Forexample if you press the key adjacent to the SMA L label thedigitaldisplays showinsmallnumbers The large digital selection erasesthe chart and shows the digital dis playsin large numbers asshown aboveright Pressing the menu key givesonlyon...

Page 33: We hopeyou ll enjoyit for many years tocome Thisfeatureconverts all echoestoshort horizontal linesonthedisplay s far right side The graph continues to operate normally FASTRAK gives you a rapid update of conditions directlyunder the boat This makes it usefulfor ice fishing orwhenyou refishing at anchor SONAR Menu P9 2 NOTE Thealtitude display is also affected bySAandthe ellipsoid used bythe GP...

Page 34: ...heirneeds of 24 hourglobal positioning 365 daysayear Basically thesystemworksbyusingaconstellationofsatellitesorbiting Earth 11 000 miles inspace There willbe21 satellites inorbitwhenthe systemisfullyoperational Threemoresatelliteswillactasspares fora totalof24 Whenallsatellitesareinplace at leastfourofthemwillbe in view nearly anywhere on Earth twenty four hours a day The GPS receiverrequires atl...

Page 35: ...clear from the display as new echoesscrollacross thescreen If it doesn t you may have a problem with electrical wiring engine ortransducer in stallation Check with your local dealer Lowrance servicecenter ortheLowrance factory customer service department for help MENU 3rd PAGE AUTOMATIC ON FISH IDOFF 31 42 The Chart Noise Rejection Is Norna1 Select IL linE I Normal P NOISE REJECTION MENU SETSURFAC...

Page 36: ...en s right side This will also turn thezone alarm on if it wasn tal ready on Repeatthesestepsto tum the zone alarm bar off or use the ALARMmenu Turning theZoneAlarm bar off alsoturnsthezonealarm off ZONEALARM ON CAUTION This GPS receiver like all GPS navigation equipment will showthe shortest mostdirectpathtoawaypoint Itprovidesnavigation datatothe waypoint regardlessofobstructions Therefore thepr...

Page 37: ...15OGPSwillreset theGPStothefactorysettings This stops theGPS from navigating You will haveto re initialize the GPS aftera preset To reset the LMS 1SOGPS press the MENUkey then pressthe key adjacent to the More label until Sonar Menu Page 7appears Now pressthekey adjacent tothe PresetSONAR GPS label DISPLAYZOOM WINDOW BAR The bar usedto adjustthezoom windowinthe manual modenormally disappearsafters...

Page 38: ...left side of the screen To increase thecontrast press the key adjacent to the up arrow To decrease it press the key adjacent to thedown arrow Press the CLEAR key to erase the menu or wait about ten secondsand itwillautomatically clear SPEAKERVOLUME The speakervolumehastwo steps low __________________ and high The speakervolume is high when the unit is first turned on To changeit firstpresstheMENU ...

Page 39: ...tance log in miles or nautical miles This menu switches all displays to the metric nautical versions and backagain Youcannot switcheach display individually KEELOFFSET SONAR Menu Pg G SONAR Menu Pg 5 Select Units Of Measure 4 La Aajttst Display 4 Li Set Speaker Volune Low 4 Keel Offset is a term used to describe the differencebetween the digital depth reading and the actual bottom water depth All ...

Page 40: ...e desired speed correction press the ENTER key The LMS 15OGPS will adjustthedigital speedometer by the amount youentered CLEAR DISTANCE LOG To reset thedistancelogto zero press the MENU key thenpressthe key adjacentto the More labelfourtimes Now press thekeyadja centto the ClearDistance Log label Thisresets the distancelogand returns tothechart display TURN BA1TERYBACKUPOFF Thebatterybackupfeature...
