Single Digital
The Single Digital page consists of a digital data box that can be
customized to display a wide assortment of data, ranging from ALR:V
(Alternate Voltage) and BAT:V (Battery Voltage) to WTR:S (Water
Speed), GND:S (Ground Speed) and Tach (Tachometer).
Dual Digital
The Dual Digital page features two digital data boxes that can be
customized to display a variety of data including, ENG:O:P (Engine Oil
Pressure), ENG:L (Engine Load) and ENG: Hr (Total Engine Hours).
Gauge page (left) monitoring paddle wheel speed; Synchronizer page
(center) with Trim Tabs page (right).
The Gauge page consists of a single analog gauge that can be
customized to display a wide assortment of data that includes, Fluid
Level, Engine Voltage, Engine Trim and Water Speed.
The Synchronizer page displays RPM for two or three engines. It allows
users to synchronize engines for smoother performance. The
Synchronizer page cannot be customized and will NOT be available for
single-engine configurations.
Trim Tabs
The Trim Tab page provides data on the position of the trim tabs, using
degrees or percentages as units of measure.
Pages Menu
The Pages menu can be accessed from any of the page displays. It has
four options: Add Page, Remove Page, Autoscroll and Pop-ups Setup.
Add Page
The Add Page command allows you to add pages to the page screen
rotation. Pages that are not added to the page screen rotation will not
be displayed.
Only pages added to the page screen rotation will be displayed.