Lotus Music The Harmonizer User Manual And Theory Manual Download Page 1

The Harmonizer


User Manual 


Theory Guide

Summary of Contents for The Harmonizer

Page 1: ...The Harmonizer TM User Manual and Theory Guide...

Page 2: ...used by liq uids heat abuse accident misuse alteration or abnormal usage Lotus Music 503 Walsh St Austin TX 78703 Your satisfaction is important to us C Ca ar ri in ng g f fo or r y yo ou ur r H Ha ar...

Page 3: ...d Names Parallel Minor Scale Common Chord Substitutions Chord Degrees Name and Function Substitute Chord Chord Progression Map Progression Formulas Tonic Chord Harmonic Paths Melodic Minor Scale Harmo...

Page 4: ...arning music is a wonderful journey and offers great personal rewards to those who are ready to take the first step and stick with it The Harmonizer is a tool which will help you travel farther faster...

Page 5: ...ce tool that can help them compose and improvise The Harmonizer consists of several sections Each section is listed in the table of con tents of this guide 5 Getting Started The Harmonizer design cons...

Page 6: ...steps in an octave Below is a chromatic scale beginning and ending on C In the above example the scale begins and ends on C If we wanted we could repeat the sequence of tones to higher or lower octav...

Page 7: ...A diatonic major scale on the other hand consists of seven notes spaced in a specific way consisting of whole steps and half steps between them By the way in a system called solmization the diatonic m...

Page 8: ...h it is derived The difference is simply the begin ning note Modes have names depending on what note of the original scale the mode begins on The first mode derived from the major scale begins on the...

Page 9: ...ounds D D F C D E F G A B C C E E F G D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E G F G A B Ionian Dorian Phrygian Lydian R 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th R 9th 11th minor 3rd major 7th 7th maj7 m7 m7 maj7 major 3rd Maj...

Page 10: ...B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D E F G A 2 3 4 5 6 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th C Major Scale with Extensions to 13th degree Sometimes notes above the first octave of the scale are added t...

Page 11: ...d written G13 9 or G11 9 Chords like these have flatted or sharped one or more of the notes of the naturally occuring scale degree Whenever a note of a chord is changed and the change results in a not...

Page 12: ...Cdom7 Cmin7 w h C w w h w w D E F G A B C 5 steps Major 7th C Mixolydian 5th mode of F major w h C w w h w w D E F G A B C 5 steps Minor 7th C Natural Minor derived from the 6th mode of E major w h C...

Page 13: ...13th minor 3rd major 7th 7th maj7 m7 major 3rd Major C Major and Natural Minor Scales 13 The Diatonic Yardstick The diatonic scale is what all other scales and modes are measured against to determine...

Page 14: ...mple the C major triad is made up of C E and G Observe that the interval from C to E is a major third 2 steps and the interval from E to G is a minor third 1 steps This arrangement of intervals produc...

Page 15: ...known as a minor 7th The other modes in the diatonic scale that produce a minor chord are Phrygian and Aeolian In the key of C major they look like this The Aeolian mode is also known as the natural...

Page 16: ...enth chord differs from the major seventh chord by the interval between the 3rd and 4th notes of the chord Diminished Chord The last note of the diatonic scale begins the Locrian mode When we choose t...

Page 17: ...e list below shows intervals their names and popular chord nota tions Sometimes symbols are used to represent different types of chords Flats Sharps with Intervals A sharp in front of an interval indi...

Page 18: ...alled the parallel minor to the major The diagram below shows how the intervals which create a natural minor scale are derived from the major scale beginning on the sixth note C D E F G A B C D E F G...

Page 19: ...on with the notes of the natural minor scale the 5th of the blues scale does not display in a window C C D F G E A B Parallel Minor Scale Flatted 5th of the blues scale does not appear in a window Dot...

Page 20: ...h produce different effects when played in a piece of music Though these chords offer a wide range of expression musicians often want to add vari ety and surprise to their music This is accomplished b...

Page 21: ...e Harmonizer the one chord I of the major scale is found at the top of the column of chord roots This chord is derived from the major key as appearing in the key designator of the Major and Natural Mi...

Page 22: ...a way to talk about chords without being specific to a key A theoretical name is similar to the name given to a position on a baseball team like pitcher catcher or outfielder etc The theoretical name...

Page 23: ...foundation of a key The subdominant family expresses movement away from the foundation And finally the domi nant family expresses harmonic tension This tension is released with chords that move the ha...

Page 24: ...C D D E F G A D 7 B C D E F F G A B C D E F G A A F 7 A 7 C D E F G A B C Cmaj7 E F G A B C D E Em7 A B C D E F G A Am7 Tonic Family F G A B C D E F Fmaj7 D E F G A B C D Dm7 Sub dominant Family G A...

Page 25: ...n see that D dom7 and Gdom7 share the same tritone interval from F to B and from B to F Flat Five Substitution Tri tone Another kind of chord substitution which is often used in pop and jazz music is...

Page 26: ...endless there is a very simple principle at work Most pieces of music tend to first establish a feeling of stability depart from it create tension then return to the feeling of stability Though some p...

Page 27: ...we want to explore this progression in the key of C major Turn the dial until a C appears in the tonic chord window Now by following the line that extends to the right of the selected tonic chord we e...

Page 28: ...hows the harmonized melodic minor scale in a format similar to the Major and Natural Minor Scales section see page 6 It shows the modes chords and notes that make up this scale 1 Mode Names This colum...

Page 29: ...e seventh chords 5 Chord Name This column shows the names of the four note chords that are derived from each mode 6 Scale Degree and Extensions This row indicates the scale degrees of the first octave...

Page 30: ...he sixth and seventh note This openness gives the scale an exotic character This scale is some time called the snake charmer scale C w w h w w h w D E F G A B C C Natural Minor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C w w h...

Page 31: ...modes that are slightly different from the scale or mode the chord is based on By doing this you introduce notes that alter the harmony usually making it more dissonant Because altered chords usually...

Page 32: ...example in the key of C major the I VIm IIm V7 chord progression C Am Dm and Gdom7 establishes the tonal center at C However since Am is also the IIm chord in the key of G we could pivot into this key...

Page 33: ...as the pivot chord While C major is the I one chord in the key of C major in the key of G major it is the IV four chord Example 2 This shows C minor as the pivot chord While C minor is the Im one cho...

Page 34: ...ician This wheel shows the relationship between major and natural minor keys as well as the most frequently used intervals for chordal harmonic movement The Layout The letters on the black ring refer...

Page 35: ...d progression in the key of C major produces C F G and C As already shown the movement going counter clock wise resolves at F Similarly the V chord G resolves back to the tonic C In the circle of fift...

Page 36: ...played to create a turnaround I I V V7 I II Im m V VI Im m I II II Im m 36 Down a 5th or Up a 4th Up a 5th or Down a 4th Rotating counter clockwise shows the roots for a IIm V7 I turnaround Ex In the...

Page 37: ...marked From The letter above it will represent the new note Non C Instruments Wind instruments such as trumpet sax clarinet etc are tuned differently and will actually play a different note from a C...

Page 38: ...rmonizer until the note you wish to calculate the interval of appears above the note on the From line For instance when B appears above D 6 appears in the window This indicates that the interval from...

Page 39: ...C C Enharmonic Equivalent Notes The Harmonizer departs from accepted notation principles when it comes to the melodic minor and harmonic minor scales In these scales it is common to show the raised s...

Page 40: ...d c co on ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on n c ch ho or rd d p pr ro og gr re es ss si io on n c ch ho or rd d s su ub bs st ti it tu ut ti io on n i in nt te er rv va al ls s m mo od du ul la at ti io on n...
