LORUS NREYK60 Instruction Manual Download Page 2

Stopwatch operation

Press button B to go to the Stopwatch Mode.  Mode
indicator "ST" appears.

Standard Measurement

1. Press button C to start the stopwatch.

2. Press button C to stop.

3. Press button D to reset the stopwatch.

H O W   T O   R E S E T   T H E   WAT C H

1. Press buttons A, B, C, and D simultaneously in

any display mode for 1 second to reset the watch.
All indicators appear on the watch display and
all digits are reset to “8”.

B AT T E R Y   C H A N G E

The miniature lithium battery SONY, Maxell or
Panasonic CR2025, which powers your watch,
should last approximately 2 years.  However,
because it is inserted at the factory, the actual life
of the battery once in your possession may be less
than 2 years.  Be sure to replace the battery to
prevent any possible malfunction as soon as it runs
down.  To replace the battery, we recommend taking
the watch to a local watch repair shop.


C A R E   O F   Y O U R   L O R U S   WAT C H

This watch contains precise electronic components.
Never attempt to open the case or remove the back cover.



Do not expose the old battery to fire
or recharge it.  Keep it at a place
beyond the reach of children.  If a
child swallows it, consult a doctor


Leather straps are not water resistant except so
indicated, even if the watch head is water resistant.


Because the case and band touch the skin directly,
it is important to clean them regularly.  If not, shirt
sleeves may be stained and those with delicate skin
may develop a rash.  Please wear the watch with
some play to avoid any possible allergic reaction.  If
you develop a rash on your wrist, stop wearing and
consult a physician.


Your watch will not be affected by magnetism
generated by household electric appliances but keep
your watch away from a place where the watch is
subject to strong electric field and static electricity.


Your watch may be worn for normal sports activities,
However, be careful not to drop it or hit it on hard
surfaces and avoid any severe impacts.


Your watch works with stable accuracy within a
temperature range between 0˚C and 50 ˚C.  Do not
e x p o s e   t h e   w a t c h   t o   a   p l a c e   e x c e e d i n g   t h i s
temperature range.


Use only a soft cloth and clean water for cleaning
your watch.  Never use chemicals, especially soap.


When your LORUS watch requires repair or sevicing,
please see the enclosed WARRANTY/GUARANTEE.

I L L U M I N AT I N G   L I G H T

To turn the backlight on, press button A in any mode.
The electroluminescent backlight illuminates the
display for 3 seconds and turns off automatically.

H O W   T O   U S E   T H E   S T O P WAT C H

The stopwatch can measure up to 99 hours 59
m i n u t e s   a n d   5 9 .   9 9   s e c o n d s .     W h e n   t h e
measurement is over 99 hours 59 minutes and 59.
99 seconds, the stopwatch stops automatically.



S t o p w a t c h   M o d e
I n d i c a t o r

M i n u t e

1 / 1 0 0

s e c o n d

S e c o n d

S p l i t
i n d i c a t o r

S t a r t

R e s e t




H o u r

S t o p

Split Time Measurement

1. Press button C to start the stopwatch.

2. Press button D during the measurement to

display the split time.  Split time indicator and
split time will appear.

3. Press button D to take the next split time.

4. Press button C to stop the stopwatch.

5. Press button D to reset.

S p l i t   t i m e

  S p l i t

S p l i t

r e l e a s e

S p l i t
S t o p

R e s e t





* T h e   s p l i t   t i m e   c a n   b e   m e a s u r e d   r e p e a t e d l y
    by pressing button D.

6.   Press button B to go back to the Time/

      Calendar display.

S t a r t



Manual reception

If the watch fails to receive radio signals, conduct
manual reception.

1. Press button D in the Time/Calendar display for

more than 2 seconds.  The watch starts receiving
the radio signal.

2. After the watch succeeds in receiving a radio

signal, or if it fails to receive a signal in about 5
minutes, it will return to the Time/Calendar

*To return to the Time/Calendar display
manually, press any of the buttons.

Checking the reception result

Look at the antenna mark in the Time/Calendar
display to check the reception result.



T h e   w a t c h   c a n   m a i n t a i n   p r e c i s e   t i m e   b y
automatically receiving a radio signal which
broadcasts  the official time standard once a day.   A
radio signal can be selected between MSF and

* MSF is the radio signal for broadcasting the official
time standard for the United Kingdom, and DCF77
is for Germany. The watch can receive MSF when it
is placed within approximately 800 km from the MSF
transmitter, and can similarly receive DCF77 when
it is placed within approximately 1,000 km from the
DCF77 transmitter, depending on conditions.

Automatic reception

The watch receives the selected radio signal
automatically to set the time.  The signal can be
selected between MSF and DCF77 in the Time/
Calendar setting mode (Refer to “


THE TIME/CALENDAR”).  Once the watch starts
receiving the radio signal, it will take about 5
minutes until the reception attempt is completed.
When the watch successfully receives the signal,
or if it fails to receive the signal in about 5 minutes,
the watch will return to the Time/Calendar display.

* Turn the antenna of the watch (at the 12 o’clock
position) toward the direction of the transmitter of
the selected signal to facilitate signal reception.

* Leave the watch where it can receive radio signals
during the automatic reception period (starting from
3:00 AM, or starting again from 4:00 AM if the
reception from 3:00 AM is not successful).

*The watch receives radio signals in the same way
as a TV or radio.  Keep the watch where it can easily
receive signals, for instance, close to a window. Keep
the watch away from objects that cause radio static.

* Please note that the watch may be unable to
receive radio signals properly under the following

a) Inside a building, between tall buildings,


b) Close to overhead power lines, TV stations, train


c) Close to home electrical appliances or OA

d e v i c e s   s u c h   a s   T V ’ s ,   r e f r i g e r a t o r s ,   a i r
conditioners, air cleaners, PC’s, fax machines

d) In places generating radio interference, such as

construction sites, airports, military bases or in
heavy traffic

e) Inside a vehicle, train, or airplane

f) Close to furniture made of steel, such as a steel


C h e c k i n g   t h e   r e c e i v i n g   c o n d i t i o n   d u r i n g

Look at the antenna mark to check receiving
conditions during radio signal reception.  If the mark
is turning with parabolas, a radio signal is being
successfully received.  If parabolas appear, but soon
disappear, receiving conditions are not sufficient for
successful reception.  If no parabola appears,
receiving conditions are poor, or the watch is outside
the reception range, and the watch is unable to
receive the radio signal.

Reception successful (The watch was able to receive
a signal within the last 24 hours.)

Reception within last 24 hours failed (The watch has
failed to receive a signal within the last 24 hours,
but succeeded in receiving a signal during the last
5 straight days.)

Reception failed (The watch has failed to receive a
signal for 5 straight days.)

When the buttons are released, the watch starts
receiving a radio signal.

*In such a case, the watch will starts receiving
MSF and S1 is shown on the display.

2. After the watch succeeds in receiving a radio

signal, or if it fails to receive a signal in about 5
minutes, it will return to the Time/Calendar

*To return to the Time/Calendar display
manually, press any of the buttons.

How to stop the alarm while sounding

The alarm sounds for 30 seconds at the designated
time.  Press any button to stop it manually.

*When the 24-hour Indication format is selected in
Time/Calendar mode, no “PM” mark appears on the
Alarm time display.

P r i n t e d   i n   C h i n a
