Lorex LW2201AC1 Series Quick Start Manual Download Page 2



CoLoR DIGItAL WIReLess InDooR/oUtDooR 


LW2201AC1 seRIes - qUICk stARt GUIDe


Connect one end of the camera Power Adaptor to the camera and the other end to an electrical outlet.

It’s all on the Web

For detailed setup information, 

please refer to your User’s Manual. 

For additional information, please 

visit our website 


1. Connect the power cable from the camera to the cable 

    from the Power Adaptor; plug the Power Adaptor into 

    an outlet or surge protector.

2. Press the Pair button repeatedly on the Wireless 

    Receiver to select an empty channel.

3. Press and hold the Pair button for 5 seconds to activate 

    pairing function. The on-screen displays informs you 

    that you have 30 seconds to press the pair button on 

    the camera*.

4. Press and hold the Yellow Pair button extending from 

    the camera. You must press the Yellow Pair button from 

    the camera within 30 seconds of pressing the Pair 

    button on the Wireless Receiver. If pairing is 

    successful, live video from the camera will immediately 

    appear on the monitor.

    * These are instructions for pairing with the LW2201

       receiver. To add this accessory camera to a different 

       Lorex Ultra Digital Wireless Receiver, check the

       Owner’s manual for the receiver you have. 

Pairing Button

ADDInG tHe ACCessoRy CAMeRA to yoUR systeM

The Pairing Function assigns each camera to a different 

channel on the wireless receiver (connect up to 4 

Cameras), and is necessary for configuring additional 

cameras. By default the camera that came with the 

LW2201 system is assigned to channel no. 1. 

note: It is highly recommended to pair the Accessory 

Camera to the Receiver before permanently mounting the 

camera. For detailed information, please check the 

owners manual for the LW2201 system available at 


Connect power adaptor to 

local 120V AC power outlet
