background image

12.  For 3D photographers, bal-

ance between left and and 

right frame sizes is very im-

portant. With Loreo 3D lenses, 

the perceived position of the 

center line can sometimes be 



With an SLR camera, the pres-

ence of mirrors prevents the 

partition between the image 

pair being extended all the way 

to the film plane. As a result, 

the center line can never be 

clearly defined. There will 

always be some overlap. Even 

with mirrorless DSLR cameras, 

in which the partition can be 

set much closer to the film 

plane, there is still a gap. 


For this reason, the 9005 3D 

lens has been set up to pro-

duce images with an overlap 

as opposed to a thick dark 

band down the middle. The fol-

lowing two images were taken 

with the same 3D Lens in a 

Cap 9005 on the same DSLR 


In the first image (above), the 

right hand frame seems to en-

croach upon the center line. In 

the second image, the two sides 

appear to be well balanced. Sub-

ject matter and lighting make all 

the difference.

13.  Internal reflection will occa


sionally cause flare, which is 

visible in the viewfinder. Some


times a ghost image will ap-

pear. This can be avoided by 

shifting the angle of the lens, 

or shielding the side to avoid 

light shining directly in. Hoods 

can also be added using the 

filter mounts in the front.

Ghost image

14.  3D images taken with this lens 

are best viewed with Loreo 

3D print and screen viewers. 

Some people can freeview 

3D images. The image pairs 

have a high degree of cor-

respondence, so feel free to 

experiment with viewing meth-

ods which require symmetry 


15.  Image pairs are not pitch-

adjusted for cropping as in film 

printing days. Some may find 

fusing 4R prints on a Deluxe 

3D Viewer difficult. If so, use 

3R prints. Viewing with the Lite 

and Pixi Viewers should not be 

a problem.

16.  Different people have differ-

ent eyesight, so you may have 

to move the viewer closer or 

further away from your eyes 

for the stereo effect to appear.

17.  Tips for taking dramatic 3D 

pictures:  As in conventional 

photography, the subject will 

usually be placed in the center 

of the picture composition, and 

exposure is best if the light 

source is behind the photogra-


18.  When taking pictures you can 

point your camera slightly up 

or down, but always keep it 

horizontal. Never hold your 

camera vertical, since you 

would not be able to view the 

pictures in 3D.

19.  Avoid the subject being too 

close to the lens (<1.5 m). 

This leads to discomfort in 

viewing. Avoid there being too 

much empty space between 

foreground and background 

if closeup shots are taken of 

a subject at 1.5m, the back-

ground should not be more 

than 3 meters away.


The subject in this picture is the 

parrot. It is too close to the lens, 

so parallax compensation no 

longer works. Note how the par-

rot does not appear in the same 

relative position in each frame.
