E 4
12, rue des Potiers d'Etain - 57071 Metz - Fax - Email: [email protected] - [email protected]
1) Display range configuration
The range interpret the input signal in an other physical unit, thus making the reading of the measured information eas-
Input 4-20 mA / Range 0-100 (kg)
Input = 12 mA, visualization = 50 (kg)
To configure the range, it is necessary to configure:
- the low scale, from -99 to 999 with 0.01 minimum resolution.
- the high scale, from -99 to 999 with 0.01 minimum resolution.
1.1) Low scale
The device displays the message
pressing the
button permit to access the adjustment. Pressing button
permit to skip the adjustment and continue with the next rubric. In adjustment mode, the actual low scale is displayed
and the
permits to increment or decrement it. The display is flashing during the adjustment. The value is
automatically validated after 4 seconds if no button is pressed.
1.2) High scale
The device displays the message
pressing the
button permit to access the adjustment. Pressing button
permit to skip the adjustment and continue with the next rubric. In adjustment mode, the actual high scale is
displayed and the
permits to increment or decrement it. The display is flashing during the adjustment.
The value is automatically validated after 4 seconds if no button is pressed.
2) Relay 1 or 2 configuration (/R2 option)
The device displays the message
. Pressing the
button permit to access the relay parameters con-
figuration. The button
permits to go to the next rubric or, if there is only 1 relay, to leave the configuration mode. In
this case, the message
is displayed and the parameters are memorized.
The relays parameters are:
- Threshold,
- Hysteresis,
- Delay,
- Threshold type detection, high or low.
2.1) Threshold
The device displays the message
pressing the
button permit to access the adjustment. Pressing button
mit to skip the adjustment and continue with the next rubric. In adjustment mode, the actual threshold is displayed and
permits to increment or decrement it. The display is flashing during the adjustment. The value is
automatically validated after 4 seconds if no key is pressed.
2.2) Hysteresis
The device displays the message
pressing the
button permit to access the adjustment. Pressing button
permit to skip the adjustment and continue with the next rubric. In adjustment mode, the actual hysteresis is
displayed and the
permits to increment or decrement it. The display is flashing during the adjustment.
The value is automatically validated after 4 seconds if no key is pressed.
The hysteresis value is relative to the display range scale and can be configured between 0 % and 99 %.