Lollipop PC will be in paired status and the Green light will
stop flashing after 2 seconds.
Lollipop PC will have 5 seconds beep alarm with a red light
flashing in 5 seconds intervals, after the distance of Lollipop
PC Apple device is out of the wireless range.
Tap the OFF icon in Lollipop PC APP device panel, and
Lollipop PC will be closed.
To extend battery use time,
Please Close Lollipop PC in spare time.
In/Out of Range Alert
If the distance of the Paired Lollipop PC and iPhone/iPad is
out of range, both Lollipop PC and iPhone/iPad will trigger
alert. "Setting mode" in Lollipop PC APP will define the type
of alert. When Lollipop PC App find and connect pre-paired
Lollipop PC, the Alert will be also triggered.
Trigger Find my Lollipop PC Alert
Tap "Find me" in Lollipop PC APP when Lollipop PC is