As we aren´t able to exert influence on correct and appropriate assembly,
we can only guarantee the completeness of the kit and the immaculate
condition of its parts. We guarantee the function of the modules in the
state of not being mounted and the technical specifications of the model
in case of correct and appropriate assembly and operation as shown in
the instructions.
There is no warranty or liability for damages or resulting damages in
relation of this product. We reserve repairs, amendments, delivery of
spare parts or recompense.
Any further claims are excluded.
The following criterions are decisive for the expiration of warranty or
rejection of repair:
- soldering with acidic tin-solder, flux or the like
- soldering, gluing or assembling the kit in an inappropriate way
- alterations or arbitrary repairs
- arbitrary alteration of model or circuit
- outplacement of parts or improper wiring etc.
- usage of parts not belonging to this kit
- destruction of circuits or soldering spots
- wrong wiring and resulting damages
- overloading the assembly
- damages caused by third persons
- damages caused by oblivion of instructions
- connection with wrong voltage or current
- wrong polarity of assembly
- operating errors or damages caused by breach of security or
- damages caused by bridged or wrong fuses.
In all cases listed above the kit will be sent back at the expense of the
After that, mount the back part (3) of the mast (1). Click it into place
by pushing it downwards. Fix the top with superglue.
Now the switchbox (4) is being mounted on the pin at the bottom of
the back part of the mast (1). Fix it with a drop of superglue. Make
sure the imitation of the hinges is at the bottom.
To mark the signal, cut out one of the labels (11) and fix it at the plate
below the screen at the front side of the mast (1).
Tip: Paint back of circuit-board with black colour.
You only need a hole with a diameter of 4 mm to mount the signal on
the bearing plate. (Fig. 4) Pull the cables with
resistors through the hole and plug-in the signal.
Connect cables with the control system. There
should remain a little loop of about 3 cm of
length so you can lay down the signal in case of
maintenance works.
The cable with black shrink-tube is the common
anode (’+’).
Ø 4mm
Fig. 4