Preparing to use your grill
Before cooking with your grill, the following steps should be followed.
• Clean all interior surfaces including grills and grates with mild soap and water, and dry the surfaces.
• Build a small fire on the charcoal pan.
• Once the charcoal has turned grey, close lid, position all vents to fully open.
• Allow the charcoal to burn for at least two hours.
NEVER PAINT THE INTERIOR OF THE GRILL! Your grill is porcelain coated and if cared for correctly, will give
you many years of use.
• The grate is coated with porcelain, which is a fragile coating. Handle with care to avoid damage. Do
not cool the grate in cold water while it is still hot or the coating may crack. Let grate cool on it’s
• Some parts of the grill have been pre-oiled at the factory. Please burn off the oil before cooking.
Please see information regarding Uncoated Cast Iron Inserts below.
Cast Iron Inserts: (Sold Separately)
Before using a cast iron grate or other cast iron cooking inserts, wash it thoroughly with a mild soap and
water. Rinse with hot water and dry completely with a soft cloth or paper towel. NEVER ALLOW TO DRAIN
DRY OR WASH IN DISHWASHER. Now season the grates with vegetable cooking oil to prevent rust and
Regular Briquette’s, Instant Light Briquettes or Lumpwood may use as a fuel source for grilling. When
igniting regular briquettes or lump wood charcoal, do not use firelighters that have petroleum bases or
the like as these will taint the food you eat.
Do not use a Chimney starter for instant light briquettes
Building Your Fire:
1. Form the charcoal briquettes or Lump wood into a pyramid on the charcoal grate.
The maximum amount of charcoal for this grill is 3.6KG (8LBS).
2. Solid Fire starters:
A: Place the fire starter in the base of the pyramid. Light the Firestartes in several locations to ensure
an even burn.
3. Liquid or Gel Fire starters, coat the briquettes or lumpwood with the liquid or gel and light according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Always light the fire with the grill lid open.
Leave lid open until briquettes are fully lit.
Caution: Failure to leave the lid open could trap fumes from charcoal lighter fluid in grill and may
result in a flash fire when lid is opened.