3. Counting Cells
Sample Preparation
Sample staining
Brightfield cell counting
For Total and viability cell counting, prepare a cell suspension according to standard
procedures. Mix the sample, 1:1, with Trypan Blue Stain, 0.4% (T13001) or
Erythrosin B (L13002). Mix gently, but thoroughly to ensure a homogenous
For total cell counting, load the sample directly onto the slide without staining the
Fluorescent cell counting
Prepare a cell suspension according to standard procedures. Mix the sample, 9:1
(cells: stain), with Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide Cell Viability Kit (F23001). Mix
gently, but thoroughly to ensure a homogenous suspension.
Sample Loading
Load the appropriate volume for each slide chamber according to the table below:
1-Channel Slides
LUNA™ Cell
Counting Slides &
3-Channel Slides
8-Channel Slides**
50 µL
10 µL
10 µL
10 µL
** The
LUNA™ 8-Channel Slides are multi-channel pipette compatible.
For easy and accurate loading, hold the slides by their edges and pipette at a 45-
60° angle to the slide. Take care not to overload or under-load the chamber.
Counting with the LUNA-FX7
Slide insertion/removal
Select appropriate counting mode and navigate to appropriate counting screen.
When inserting a slide into the instrument, ensure that the slide is facing up so that
the arrow is showing on the right side and/or so that the lowest chamber designation
is to the left.
The slide holder will automatically move into position.
Insert from this side.