These presets are non-configurable, and the steps to create a filter with a different configuration are
similar to those to create a new camera mode. To add a new video filter:
On the VIDEO tab dropdown menu, click ADD NEW FILTER.
Make changes to the filter to suit your requirements.
NOTE: Anti-flicker relates to the screen refresh speed of your monitor or TV. If you see flickering
during your recordings or when streaming video calls, try switching to the other value.
Rename your filter by clicking on the NEW VIDEO MODE text above the camera and type a name that
helps you identify the new filter.
How to uninstall Logitech Capture software
Here’s how to uninstall Logitech Capture software:
Navigate to the Control Panel > Programs and Features > Select Logitech Capture and uninstall it.
Restart your computer to complete the uninstall.
You can use the Uninstaller app to remove the Logitech Capture from your Mac computer. You can find
the Uninstaller app by doing one of the following:
Use Spotlight Search by typing
+ Space and then search for Logi Capture Uninstaller
Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Logi Capture Uninstaller
Restart your computer to complete the uninstall.