Special care is required when vacuuming certain types of carpet or floor covering.
Always check the carpet or floor covering manufacturer’s recommended cleaning
instructions before vacuuming.
Carpet Height Adjustment
This upright vacuum cleaner can be used on multiple types of carpeting, bare floors or
upholstery. To select a pile height setting:
1. Make sure the unit is off and the unit at its upright position.
2. Set the handle to the vertical and locked position.
3. Release the unit by pressing handle release button.
4. Select a pile height setting by turning the carpet height adjustment knob to the desired
Carpet Height
Adjustment Knob
Suggested Pile Height Setting
You may need to choose a higher setting to make some jobs easier, such as vacuuming scatter
rugs and longer pile carpets.
Suggested Settings
PLUSH (HIGHEST): shag carpet, long pile, plush scatter rugs - medium to long pile.
BARE (LOWEST): short to medium pile, bare floors very low pile, bare floors. Place vacuum
cleaner in “PLUSH” setting when using attachments to prevent possible floor damage.
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