Warning on using the phone while driving
In France, in accordance with Article R412-‐6-‐1 of the French highway code, drivers are not permitted to use hand-‐
held phones whilst the vehicle is moving.
The penalty for non-‐compliance with this article is a fine and point penalty on your driving licence.
It is also forbidden to wear any system such as earphones, pedestrian kits, headsets, headphones, susceptible to
limit the attention or the hearing of the drivers.
NOTE: this legislation applies only in France. During trips abroad, please refer to the legislation in place in your
country of origin before travelling
Listening safety
Before using the pedestrian kit, check that the volume is not set to maximum to prevent hearing loss.
The high volume settings are intended for individuals with reduced hearing capacity and not for those
with normal hearing.
Do not use the pedestrian kit while driving.
Adjust the volume so that you can hear the sounds around you.
Listening to a portable audio player at high volumes can damage your hearing and lead to hearing
impairment (deafness, ringing ears, tinnitus and hyperacusis).
In order to prevent these risks it is recommended not to use the device at full volume; use must not
exceed one hour per day.
This product complies with the
EN 60950-‐1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013
"Information technology equipment -‐ Safety -‐ Part 1: General requirements" in accordance with the
order of 25 July 2013 implementing Article L. 5232-‐1 of the French public health code concerning
portable audio players.
Do not use pre-‐amplified or amplified models of headphones or earphones (i.e. with individual volume
control and/or self-‐powered by batteries), as they do not ensure adherence to the maximum volume.
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.