User Manual: Installation Of The Cooker
3.2 Ventilation
The room containing this cooker should have
an air supply in accordance with BS 5440: Part
2: 1989
• All rooms require an openable window,
or equivalent and some rooms will require a
permanent vent a well.
• For room volumes up to 5 m3 an air vent of
100 cm2 is required.
• For room volumes between 5 m3 and 10 m3
an air vent of 50 cm2 is required.
• If the room is greater than 5 m3 and has a
door that opens directly to the outside, then no
air vent is required.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
3.1 Lifting instructions
For the fixing of the cooker with brakers, see section 1.3.
To lift the cooker, open the oven door and lift by the oven cavity and the over hang at te rear of the
appliance (fig. 1 and 2).
lift the cooker by the overhang of the hob top at the front of the appliance or by the door
handle (fig. 3 and 4).
Lifting the appliance by the hob can cause the securing brakets to break and damage the gas pipes
to the burners on the hob.
Lifting the appliance by the door handle can chip or break the outer door glass.
Any resulting damage is NOT covered by the guarantee.
• If there are other fuel burning appliances
in the same room BS 5440: Part 2:1989
should be consulted to determine the air vent
• This appliance should not be installed in a
bed sitting room of less 20 m3 or in bathroom
or shower room.