Service Manual
Figure 1
Outdoor Air Reset Curve
Maximum SH set point
When the outdoor temperature drops to or below its
minimum setting (F1) the water temperature will be at this
point, if the SH set point is set higher (FIG. 1). This
parameter can be changed by the installer by accessing
. The temperature range of this parameter is 0°F
to 190°F. The default value is 180°F.
Minimum SH set point
When the outdoor temperature rises to or above its
maximum setting (F2) the water temperature will be at this
point (FIG. 1). This parameter can be changed by the
installer by accessing parameter
. The temperature range of
this parameter is 0°F to 190°F. The default value is 70°F.
Outdoor air shutdown
When the outdoor temperature rises above this point, the
control will block all SH demands (DHW demands will still
be active). This parameter can be changed by the user or the
installer by accessing parameter
. The temperature range of
this parameter is 0°F to 120°F. The default value is 80°F.
Outdoor air shutdown differential
The outdoor air shutdown differential parameter is the
number of degrees below parameter F5 the outdoor air
temperature must go before the boiler will respond to a SH
demand. This parameter can be changed by the user or the
installer by accessing parameter
. The temperature range of
this parameter is 0°F to 90°F. The default value is 10°F.
Shift reset curve
The shift reset curve parameter shifts the actual set point
above the calculated set point the number of degrees in this
parameter. This parameter can be changed by the installer by
accessing parameter
. The temperature range of this
parameter is -27°F to 27°F. The default value is 0°F. This
feature will be active if this parameter is set to anything other
than 0°F.