FIG. 21 High Water Temperature Limit Control
- Fixed Setting
There are seven error messages that can be
displayed in response to software or hardware
problems with the boiler’s internal electronic
temperature control. The error codes that may be
seen flashing on the display are:
SF - Sensor Failure
The display flashing SF indicates an
out-of-range or defective sensor. Make sure
sensors are properly installed, wired and
connected to the control. Correct sensor
installation or replace sensor.
EF- EEPROM Failure
The values read form the EEPROM are not
the same as the values written into the
EEPROM. This error cannot be field
repaired. Replace the water heater’s
electronic temperature control.
CF - Calibration Failure
The calibration resistor reading was not
within the range of the Analog to Digital
converter. This error cannot be field repaired.
Replace the water heater’s electronic
temperature control.
OF - Stray Interrupt Failure
An unused interrupt occurred. This error
cannot be field repaired. Replace the water
heater’s electronic temperature control.
CE - Configuration Error
The device hardware was configured to a
nonexistent device. This error cannot be field
repaired. Replace the water heater’s electronic
temperature control.
OE - ROM Error
The internal ROM of the microprocessor in
the boiler’s electronic temperature control is
defective. This error cannot be field repaired.
Replace the water heater’s electronic
temperature control.
AE - RAM Error
The internal RAM of the microprocessor in
the boiler’s electronic temperature control is
defective. This error cannot be field repaired.
Replace the water heater’s electronic
temperature control.
The unit is equipped with a fixed setting, manual
reset high water temperature limit control. The
water heater temperature limit control has a fixed
limit setting of 195° F (90.6° C). If water
temperature exceeds the limit set point, the limit
will break the control circuit and shut down the
unit. The limit control can only be reset after the
water temperature has cooled below the set point
of the limit. The high water temperature limit
control is mounted on the surface of the tank,
above the heating element installed at the highest
point in the tank. The high limit control is reset
by pushing the red reset button on the control.
Operation of the limit control usually indicates a
major problem with the thermostat, contactors or
heating elements.
Do not continue to push the
programmed into memory will not be lost
because of a power failure.