User Guide
Loadsensing Wireless Tiltmeter
Version 0.1
Device Overview
This user guide explains how to configure and operate Worldsensing’s Loadsensing Wireless
Tiltmeter. Further technical descriptions are available in the datasheets.
The Loadsensing Wireless Laser and Tiltmeter is a long-range, low-power wireless data
logger distance meter and inclinometer in a compact box. It measures distance with a
highly precise Leica Laser module and also can measure tilt on three axes perpendicular to
the plane of the base with a precise microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor.
The wireless Laser and Tiltmeter can be used as a standalone logger for manual monitoring
and can be easily configured by connecting it to an Android phone with a USB cable.
It is designed for different applications including monitoring convergences in tunnels, on
civil works, and in underground mining, and also for continuous remote monitoring of
landslides and slope movement, in particular open pits.
Tiltmeters measure changes from vertical on the ground or in structures. This makes them
key sensors for monitoring inclinations, movements and differential settlements in slopes
or infrastructures.
Tiltmeters can be attached to vertical structures, such as columns, piers, pylons, facades
or retaining walls, to track changes in inclination and detect differential settlement; or they
can be installed to verify over time the geometry and stability of tunnels or bridges and the
cant, twist and vertical alignment of railway tracks.
They have also been extensively used in monitoring slope stability in landslide-prone areas,
embankments and mines.
Viriat 47, Edificio Numancia 1, 10th floor,
08014 Barcelona, Spain
(+34) 93 418 05 85