Edition 1.0E January 2003
Page 4
OMSX3030-PERM1T1PT.1oc 10.01.2003
is an instrument designed to calibrate manually or by remote control a BTX
monitor with upto 6 different gas sources. The six gas sources are generated by 6 different
permeation tubes located in the same permeation oven; Benzen, Toluen, O-xylene, M-xylene, P-
Xylene and Ethyl Benzene. When the CALibration or Zero functions are not activated, the sample
flows through the instrument without any modification.
is equiped with an interface designed to be directly compatible with the BTX
monitor. That feature allows in Remote mode, to receive and to interpret, the instructions SAMPLE,
ZERO and CALibration. In Local mode, the interface allows to Configure the calibrator and to
perform the manual operations of calibrations necessary after the maintenance process on the
monitor. The major parameters, such as temperature, pressure,… are readable on the display.
The basic configuration of the
is mainly composed of 3 parts :
** a mass flow generator, based on high precision pressure regulator and sonic nozzles. The Air
pressure is monitored by a pressure switch.
** a thermostated oven for upto 6 permeation tubes
** an interface, based on the 80537 microcontroler, able to receive and execute the instructions
emitted by the monitor, instructions materialised by two relays; the power supplies for the
valves, the keyboard and the 2 X 20 characters fluorescent display.
When the self regenerable internal Zero Air generator is installed, SONIMIX 6000D1 OP1, the
instrument is totally independant from the external source of compressed Air.