The Lloydspharmacy Blood Pressure Lowering System measures your breathing pattern using a sensor in
the chest strap and it plays music to match your breathing comprising 2 distinct tones; an inhale tone and
an exhale tone. It then slows these inhale and exhale tones by 1 breath per minute every 22 seconds. By
breathing in and out in time with these tones, the Lloydspharmacy Blood Pressure Lowering System
guides you to the therapeutic breathing zone – less than 10 breaths per minute.
Your blood pressure begins to reduce as the muscles surrounding your small blood vessels dilate and relax.
1. Sit somewhere comfortable and quiet where you are unlikely to be disturbed.
2. The ideal breathing rate is under 10 breaths per minute. However you may not reach this rate the first
time. Like any exercise it may need more than one attempt.
3. Your aim is to achieve at least 10 minutes of breathing at less than 10 breaths per minute per session.
Ideally you should try to achieve one full session per day; but at least 40 minutes breathing at this rate
per week.
4. If you accumulate more sessions this can be helpful.
5. If you follow this program you can expect to see positive results in 3- 4 weeks. However, please be
patient , as with all exercise programs, results will vary by individual and are also dependent upon
other lifestyle factors.
N.B. The Lloydspharmacy Blood Pressure Lowering System can be used as part of any overall program to
manage your blood pressure. Please don’t change any medication without consulting your doctor.