From PC:
Connect supplied USB cable with small socket in frame and
large standard socket in PC
Switch on frame. PC will recognise new hardware and start to
communicate with it. A drive letter will be allocated to the
Now you can view/delete files stored on the frame or copy and
paste files to the frame – simply by using Windows Explorer.
When completed, disconnect USB connector. Frame will tell you
to switch power on & off to complete the edit process.
From Memory Card/stick:
Insert memory card(s)
Go on menu to “edit”
Enter on the memory source that you want to copy from (eg
SD/MMC) and view files stored
Use up/down arrow to move between the files. Each one that
you want to copy – stop on it and press right arrow once. A
symbol will appear beside the file
When you have finished, press left arrow to return to list of
Highlight internal memory (MEMORY) and Enter. You will list
stored files.
Press OSD and select paste (2
arrow down)
Files will transfer to the internal memory
Deleting files is done in a similar way
Please refer to the instruction manual for any further information, or