Interrupted Feedback
This chapter describes the LU200’s IFB Interrupted Feedback (IFB) feature and
how to set it up.
IFB Overview
The IFB feature provides a unidirectional audio channel from the LU2000 to
LU200 unit operators in the field. This enables the personnel in the master
control room (MCR) to broadcast verbal instructions or information about
events to LU200 operators.
During broadcasting, LU200 operators can listen to an audio-only channel
received from the IFB server using an earphone/headphone. IFB uses a
unidirectional audio channel from the LU2000 to the LU200 unit, which only
allows the LU200 operator to listen, but not respond.
For more details about the IFB feature on the LU2000, see Appendix A,
Interrupted Feedback (IFB) in the LiveU LU2000 Server User Guide.