Chapter 7: Livescribe Desktop
For the complete Livescribe Desktop User Manual, check the Help Menu of the Livescribe
Desktop toolbar.
Livescribe Desktop enables you to create and store a searchable library of all your Pulse
smartpen-created content, from Art to Zoology. From Livescribe Desktop, you can transfer your
content directly to your personal myLivescribe user profile on Livescribe Online and upload
copies of your notes to browse and share as pencasts. Livescribe Desktop will also let you install
and uninstall applications to and from your Pulse smartpen.
Livescribe Desktop Features
Play back audio of Paper Replay notes and see the ink animate as it was written.
View notes as a single page or as multiple thumbnail pages from one notebook.
Search pages for words you have written.
Control audio as you would in your notebook, with a control bar.
Zoom into sections of a page for closer inspection.
Manage the installation of applications on your Pulse smartpen.
View all the application currently on your Pulse smartpen.
Jump to your personal myLivescribe profile on Livescribe Online.
Upload content to your myLivescirbe profile.
Associate multiple Pulse smartpens to your Livescribe Desktop software.
Installing Livescribe Desktop
Livescribe Desktop requires a Windows PC running either Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista.
Your computer will also need:
a 600MHz CPU or higher
512 MB RAM