Cleaning the Fan:
Before cleaning the fan, please read the following:
● A
lways unplug the fan and disconnect from power before
● Do not immerse the fan in water or other liquid and never allow
water to drip on the motor housing.
● Do not use gasoline, paint thinner, or any other corrosive
cleaning solutions to clean the fan.
● I
f the fan will not be in use for an extended period of time, you
may leave the fan assembled. Cover to protect from dust. Store
in a cool, dry place.
External Cleaning:
● Wipe the external grill lightly with a
soft cloth.
● U
se only a soft, damp cloth to
gently wipe the outer surfaces of the
● If needed, you can use a cloth
with a diluted neutral detergent.
To clean between the grills, we
recommend using a pipe cleaner,
flexible dust wand, vacuum cleaner
or compressed air to gently remove