manual printing & pdf formatting 02/2007.
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ibp is a registered trademark of little labs.
base unit together... What do I need to remove them?
A. Use a standard 7/64" allan head driver. No it's not metric!
Q. My STD sounds bad compared to a straight cable and my guitar
volume now sounds all scratchy when using the STD.
A. The STD special purpose cables plug internal transistor has blown
(a very rare occurence and typically caused by plugging into some-
thing like a lite socket) causing a small amount of DC on the input.
You must send it back to us for repair. (Keep your base unit it will
remain unaffected).
More to come!
Q.The STD to my ears sounds a cleaner and a bit brighter than
when I use my guitar cable, I like it better through my cable.
A. Use a barrel type connector or a pedal with a true bypass be-
tween your... guitar > the cable you like > barrel connector or true
bypass pedal > Std cable > xlr cable > base unit > guitar amp.
Voila, the sound you liked with your old cable preserved!