7. Service life of the Stethoscope – 6 years. Year of manufacture is printed on package.
Service life of the power cells (for LD SteTime) – 1 year.
On expiration of the warranted service life apply from time to time to authorized
repair organizations to check the technical condition of the
9. Dispose of the Stethoscope and its components according to the application
local regulations. No special requirements to disposal of this Unit are defi ned
by the manufacturer.
10. Operation conditions: temperature from +10°C to +40°C; relative humidity 85% and
lower. Storage and transportation conditions: temperature from -34°C to +50°C; relative
humidity 85% and lower.
1. The following LD product is covered by warranty for the period specifi ed in the
warranty card.
2. The warranty liabilities are contained in the warranty card given at the sale
of this unit to a purchaser.
This unit manufacturing is certifi ed according to international standard ISO 13485.
Stethoscope comply with the requirements of European Directive MDD 93/42/ЕЕС.
Complaints and requests should be addressed to:
Little Doctor Europe Sp. z o.o. 57G Zawila Street, 30-390, Krakow, Poland
Service phone: +48 12 2684748, 2684749
Manufactured under control and for:
Little Doctor International (S) Pte. Ltd., 35 Selegie Road #09-02 Parklane Shopping
Mall, Singapore 188307, Singapore. Postal address: Yishun Central P.O. Box 9293
Singapore 917699.
Little Doctor Electronic (Nantong) Co. Ltd., No.8, Tongxing Road Economic &
Technical Development Area, Nantong 226010, Jiangsu, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF
Distributor in European Union:
Little Doctor Europe Sp. z o.o. 57G Zawila Street, 30-390, Kraków, Poland
Sales Offi
ce phone: +48 12 2684746, 12 2684747, fax: +48 12 268 47 53
E-mail: [email protected]