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Engine will not start
1) Torque tube is not connected at power source
2) Engine stop switch is in "off" or "O" position
3) Low fuel level in gas tank
4) Low oil level in "Oil Guard" or "Oil Alert" equipped engines
5) Spark plug fouled
Starter rope pulls hard,
1) Quick disconnect couplings are not fully connected. Push
with more resistance
together and rotate collar 1/4 turn.
than usual
Cannot connect or
1) Foreign matter clogging auger adaptor
disconnect auger
2) Spring and button in top of auger is bent or broken
Auger turns too slowly
1) Too much downward pressure or binding on side of hole. Hold
and will not dig
back if necessary to allow auger to turn at full speed.
2) Bent linkage between control level and valve. With engine off,
ensure that neither lever touches handle bar when moved to full
forward or reverse position.
Auger turns but will not dig 1) Foreign matter collected around point
2) Point or blade is dull
3) Wrong blade type for soil condition. Contact your dealer or factory
for Little Beaver carbide blade
Auger with extension will
1) Auger or extension bent or running out of line
not dig
2) Number of extensions exceeds capacity of machine
Hydraulic oil and/or hoses
1) It is normal for the hoses and reservoir to be warm to the touch.
If it is very hot, consult your dealer or factory.
Auger turns when engine idles 1) Valve or linkage is binding. Do not use. Consult your dealer or factory.
Problems not listed in table 1) Consult your dealer or factory.
www.LittleBeaverStore.com | (800) 878-7829 | [email protected]