ALPHA series engines worksHoP mAnuAL
Clean and check, or replace, the fuel injector nozzles.
Check the radiator fins and radiator fan blades for damage.
Replace the radiator fan drive belt irrespective of condition.
Check the lubricating oil pressure.
Renew the air cleaner element.
Replace the fuel lift pump diaphragm: see Note.
Check coolant strength, and inhibitor if necessary.
Check all fuel and leak off pipes - replace if necessary.
Every 6000 Hours
The previous items plus:
Decarbonise, if performance has deteriorated, renew all
joints or seals as necessary.
Replace radiator coolant hoses.
Check water pump, replace if necessary.
Every Year - LPW and LPWS
Drain, flush and refill the cooling system adding new coolant
concentrate to a 40% concentration.
Every Year - All Engines
Drain and replace the lubricating oil and filter, irrespective of
their condition, if the engine has run for less than 250 hours
in the preceding twelve months.
On marine engines change the air cleaner element if it was
not changed at the prescribed intervals.
Every Two Years
Replace the coolant hoses irrespective of their condition.
it is recommended that the fuel lift pump
diaphragm is inspected at more frequent
intervals if it is known the fuel is contaminated.
it should also be inspected at regular intervals
on engines in low duty cycle applications; for
example, stand-by generating sets.