Customer Training Guide
Pre-Launch Wave Glider® SV3
08033 Rev A
Chapter 1. Definitions
This checklist is designed to provide trained personnel with a framework for preparing a
wave glider for autonomous operation. Simply filling out this form does not insure that a
wave glider is ready for launch.
The Pre-Launch checklist can be found on the OBSP under: Checklist< SV3 Pre-Launch.
Note: It is recommended that at least two OBSP pages be opened to conduct the Pre-
Launch. Refreshing the OBSP Pre-Launch page will clear any information already
entered, There is no refresh of fields, so values you grab at the time of starting onboard
Pre-Launch are a snapshot. In order to capture all relevant information, be sure that all
payloads, sensors and services are turned on. Finally, when you print a hard copy or pdf
of the pre-launch, the comments section will only show five lines.
AIS: Automatic Identification System
AMPS: Adaptable Modular Power System
APU: Auxiliary Power Unit
CCU: Command and Control Unit
MPU: Modular Payload Unit
OBSP: On-Board Server Page. This is the Wave Glider web page that users can access directly
via WiFi connection or via cellular communication if the user connected to the LRI VPN
(Virtual Private Network) and the wave glider is in cell range. .
PDC: Power Domain Controller
RTF: Radio Tracker Frequency
SN: Serial Number
Standard Temperature and Pressure
Wet-mates: Alternate term for Wave Glider connectors.
WG: Wave Glider
WXS: Weather Station