5.4.2 Installation of Ground Strap Kit
Locate a good ground point near the back of the seat frame. The bottom of the seat
base bracket is usually a good spot.
Drill a 9/32” hole in the seat frame near the back of the base.
Attach one end of the ground strap to the bracket using the lock washer, flat washer
and nut provided. The lock washer should penetrate any paint on the bracket to
ensure a good electrical connection.
Attach the other end of the strap to a metal part of the seat frame at a point where it
contacts the seat cushion. Make sure that there are no intervening pivot points,
guides, adjustment mechanisms, etc., which could interfere with the ground path
between the seat cushion and the ground strap.
If the seat cushion has a wooden base, use a wood screw and washer to attach the
strap lug to the bottom of the seat at a point where the seat fabric is attached to the
wood. There must be good contact between the seat fabric and ground strap lug.
Make sure that the strap is positioned so that it doesn’t interfere with the movement
of the seat or is exposed to physical damage.
Checking for a good ground
The resistance should be checked. Use a multi-meter to test the resistance between a
bare spot on the seat frame and PIN 3 on the SCM power connector.
(The ground terminal should be connected directly to the negative terminal of the battery
on a negative ground system)
The test should be done with all accessories, including the dome light, turned OFF. This
will prevent other currents from distorting the measurement.
If the resistance is less than 3 ohms:
The system is grounded sufficiently and no further action is necessary.
If the resistance is greater than 3 ohms:
Locate a better ground on the base of the seat or at some other point in the cab.
“Fan fold” the excess ground strap and tie it with a wire tie to the back of the seat frame.
Make sure that you have left enough slack in the strap to accommodate the seat’s full
range of adjustment.