Rev: 09.21.20
Triple Axle
Installation and Owner’s Manual
(For Aftermarket Applications)
Front Axles
Install the triple axle equalizer on the roadside frame
hanger with the fixed arm
facing the rear of the trailer
and the Equa-Flex logo facing outward.
Install the equalizer bolt through the first bracket
of the frame hanger, then through the topmost bushing
of the Equa-Flex equalizer and, finally, through the second
bracket of the frame hanger.
Use a hammer or a piece of steel tube (for bolts with
grease fittings) and drive the equalizer bolt into the frame
hanger. This will seat the serrations of the bolt against
the hanger surface and provide resistance to rotation
when tightening.
The equalizer bolt must be installed from the outside
in toward the center of the trailer chassis. This ensures the
bolt threads do not interfere with any other assemblies. This
applies to bolts with or without grease fittings.
Install the nut onto the equalizer bolt until the nut seats
against the shoulder bolt. Torque nut to 30-50 ft-lbs.
When installing the equalizer bolt nuts, use a
wrench to hold the bolt heads.
Repeat steps 1-4 for the opposite side of the trailer,
making sure the fixed arm faces towards the rear.
Reference figure 5, which illustrates a roadside installation,
and figure 6, which illustrates a curbside installation, for the
following procedural steps:
frame rail
frame hanger
equalizer bolt
leaf spring
shackle link
pivot arm
shackle bolts
leaf spring
fixed arm
rear of trailer
front of trailer