Maintaining and servicing your locomotive
Troubleshooting the Acela
Passenger car platform lights blink on and off.
The door or tilt mechanism did not reset properly. Press AUX1, 0 or cycle track power on and
off to reset the cars.
The left passenger car doors open when I power up the track.
Be sure that the infrared housings are properly aligned. Refer to Figure 1 on page 6.
The passenger cars tilt right and left when I power up the track, but the cars
do not return to center. The passenger car platform lights do not blink.
If the tilt lockout is disabled and the passenger car is is not centered, the car will
automatically center itself.
If the lights continue to flash, service is required. To center the cars while the
platform lights are flashing, press AUX1, BRAKE to tilt the car left incrementally.
Press AUX2, BRAKE to tilt the car right incrementally. When you have centered the
cars, use the switches to lock out the tilting function. You may place them in their
packaging for service or operate them without the tilt function.
The passenger car tilts left and right, but does not center. The passenger car
platform lights blink on and off.
The tilt mechanism did not reset properly. Press AUX1, 0 or cycle track power on and off to
reset the cars.
The passenger car platform lights flash when I attempt to close the doors.
The door mechanism did not reset properly. Press AUX1, 0 or cycle track power on and off to
reset the cars.
The pantographs and lights on the nonpowered unit do not operate in
coordination with the powered unit.
Be sure that the infrared housings are properly aligned. Refer to Figure 1 on page 6.