after turning on, that might damage speaker or
other components. As this might be undesirable
for users operating the SATIE with a preamp, a
fixed mode has been added. The fixed mode is
engaged by selecting a volume level of 85 ( =
2Vrms), then turning off the SATIE and on again.
Instead of 85, FIX is displayed. As long as the
volume remains unaltered, SATIE comes up in
fixed mode, eliminating the need to adjust the
volume every single time for preamp users.
Pushbutton operation
As stated earlier in this document, there is no
need to operate the hard wired mains switch
on the rear of the SATIE. If you want to switch on
or off the unit, use the front panel pushbutton.
Doing so, SATIE stores the current settings
(volume, input, filter) even when the mains
voltage is lost thereafter.