Download the Linksys Apps from
Apple Store or Google Play Store
into your mobile phone
Switch off power to your
Unplug and remove your old
router from the ONT/Modem
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Connect the ethernet cable from
your ONT/Modem to the port near
the “Reset” button of your first
Velop (Master Node)
Ensure your Bluetooth is turned
ON at your mobile phone.
Power up the Velop and wait until
the LED turn solid
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Open Linksys Apps and follow
the instruction
If the Linksys Apps prompted to
connect to Setup Wi-Fi during the
setup, go to the setting on your
phone and locate the network
name that match the Setup Wi-Fi
printed at the bottom of the
Master Node
Step 7
Step 8