Using an FTP Client
Initiating the client side of an FTP session is relatively
easy. Once connected to the Internet through your ISP,
you simply enter all of your important information into
the login box. Your client software will ask you for a
URL (beginning with ftp://), your user name, password,
and the path on the server that you would like to access,
such as d:/shareware/docs.
While all private FTP servers will require a password,
most publicly accessible FTP servers allow anonymous
logins. To log in on an FTP server as an anonymous
user, type “anonymous” or “anon” as your user name,
and type your email address or email login name
(everything before the @ symbol) as your password.
Different FTP server have different login rules, and
many servers only allow a limited number of logins.
Testing the EtherFast 10/100 + 56K Modem PC
The instructions below will tell you how to test the 56K
LANmodem if you are using Windows, Windows for
Workgroups, Windows 95, 98 or NT. The directions
explain how to use the communications software from
Microsoft that is included with each of these operating
If you are using communications software other than
Microsoft's, read the directions below to get a feel for
how testing works, then consult your software's user
guide(s) for further instructions.
Comm Software